January 14, 2025
Barbara Davis’ Presentation: BDC QI Update
Seattle Children’s Presentation: Seattle Children’s BRIDGE Project – QI Champions 1.15.25 and handout: Seattle Children’s pump comparison handout
Attendance: Ori Odugbesan, Timothy Bol, Casey Rust, Yasi Mohsenian, Lydia Holly, Emma Mason, Barbara Liepman, Blake Adams, Christy Byer-Mendoza, Don Buckingham, Katie Haberlin-Pittz, Holly Hardison, Kelli McWilliams, Kim Rossi, Michelle Coulter, Marsha Mackenzie, Jerusha Owusu-Barnie, Isabel Reckson, Kaveri Bhargava, Katie Hamilton, Stephanie Ogburn, Becca Campbell, , Lori Benzoni, Joseph Erardi, Malak Abdel-Hadi, Jude El Buri, Claire Zimmerman, Jennifer Min, Quiana Howard, Renee Thompson
- Ice Breaker
For this Ice breaker we shared a single word goal for the year.
- Attendance
Please see separate Attendance Sheet.
- Seattle Children’s – Yasi Mohsenian (Presenter)
Barrier Reduction in Insulin pump Delivery for Greater Equity (BRIDGE)- an Intervention focused on patients with a primary language of care other than English.
Multiple interventions (4) to assist patients whose primary language is not English.
Discussion – Don welcomed the data slide and noted how there could have been a shift in the run chart, which would have been even better news as far as results are concerned.
Christy Byer-Mendoza loved the pump education being incorporated into visits and would like to know how the center got buy in.
Blake Adams liked the comparison handout.
- Barbara Davis Center (Adults) Emma Mason (Presenter)
Improving access to diabetes technologies for minority patients.
CGM Adult Equity Project
Emma provided an overview of BDC’s clinic operations, a CGM/Pump Process Map and a breakdown of CGM use by race.
She walked us through the 4 PDSA cycles (inquiring with patients about their technology use and aspirations, creating a potential patient population, and providing a patient questionnaire).
Patient concerns fell into two buckets, “nervous about change” and “cost” and both were addressed and analyzed.
The next PDSA cycle will focus on calling patients and discussing barriers with them and perhaps adding to this concern is contacting patients who have fallen through the cracks.
- Questions and Closing Remarks
Plans for the next meeting occurrence were discussed.
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