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January 2022 Adult Collaborative

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Adult Collaborative Call Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2022, 3:30-5:00pm

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Updates from the Collaborative
    • We currently have 43 Participating Clinics, 29 Pediatric & 14 Adult
    • Welcome Cleveland Clinic
      • Adult Clinic PI: Pratibha Rao, MD, MPH
      • Pediatric Clinic PI: Andrea Mucci, MD, MASc
    • Welcome Holly Hardison, New QI Coordinator
    • PI/Clinical Leadership Convention May16-17
      • Due to the rise in covid numbers the May learning session will be virtual 11am-4pm EST
    • T1D Exchange Website
      • Content that has previously been posted on Trello will be slowly migrating over to the website. The website will have a protected password for collaborative members to access content. This transition will begin 3/1/2022
    • Committee Chair Roles
      • We are looking for new co-chairs to help us lead committees. Terms last 24 months and will begin 6/1/2022. Each committee has a co-chair from a pediatric and adult clinic.
      • Please use this form to nominate yourself or share with a team member who you believe would be a great fit for the role.
      • Check out the Trello boards to learn more information about these committees

Clinical Leadership:


Data Science:


  • Clinical Presentation Albert Einstein, Shivani Agarwal
    • Learning Objectives:
      • Understand the various challenges that young adults with type 1 diabetes face that interfere with diabetes self-management and attainment of glycemic goals
      • Learn about innovative clinical models that can address racial-ethnic disparities in outcomes among young adults with type 1 diabetes
      • SEAD Program (Supporting Emerging Adults with Type 1 Diabetes)





  • Clinical Presentation Mt Sinai, Carol Levy
    • Learning Objectives:
      • The management of hyperglycemia for patients with COVID19 can be challenging in the inpatient setting.  The use of formalized algorithms may reduce glycemic variability.
      • Pregnancies in women with diabetes pose increased risks to the fetus. Implementation of preconception counseling strategies in women of child bearing age,  may help to improve outcomes.
      • Inpatient: Quality Improvement Initiative: ​
        Hyperglycemia Treatment Algorithms for COVID-19 Patients on Glucocorticoids
      • Outpatient: Diabetes in Pregnancy


  • Review of Portal, Smartsheets, Data Mapping
  • Comparison of benchmarks between sites
    • Feedback: Measure of complications, hospitalization from complications, rates of gastroparesis and amputations
  • Portal log in:
  • Portal Demo Video:
  • Review of resources
    • IHI Open School
    • Monthly Collab Calls
    • Coaching Calls
    • QI Portal and Dashboard
    • Case studies/Change packets
    • PDSA Cycles in LifeQI
  • Recommendations for next half year (6/1/2022)
    • Identify QI project for next 4-6 months
    • Provide Phase 1 Measure, if not already done
    • If Phase 1 is collected begin Phase 2
    • Utilize QI portal for data trending and benchmarking
    • Take IHI Courses
    • Document PDSA’s in LifeQI
    • Engage other faculty members in your projects by sharing insights


Next call: Thursday March 24th, 11:00-12:30 PM EST (combo with peds clinics)


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