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Publications Meeting October 11, 2022

Publications Comm Meeting October 2022

Meeting Minutes: QI Collaborative Publications Committee Meeting, October 11th, 2022

CoChairs: Dr. Shideh Majidi and Dr. Shivani Agarwal

Attendees: Shideh Majidi, Nicole Riles, Holly Hardison, Carla Demeterco-Berggren, Laura Jacobsen, Corrine Aia, Catherine Sullivan, Margaret Zupa, Ruth S. Weinstock, Halis K Akturk, Liz Mann, Jane Dickinson, Alissa Roberts

Agenda :

  • Introductions
  • Publications updates
  • Upcoming Conferences
    • Learning Session 2022
    • ISPAD 2022
    • ATTD 2023
    • ADA 2023


Key Points:

Manuscript Phases: October Scorecard

  • Phase 1: New idea with first and senior authors identified (14 manuscripts)
  • Phase 2: Manuscript shared for internal author group review (2manuscripts)
  • Phase 3: Publication committee review (3 manuscripts pending)
  • Phase 4: Manuscript submitted for journal review/ revision requested (5 manuscripts)
  • Phase 5: Manuscript Accepted/Published (17 manuscripts)


Abstract and Manuscript Requests

  • For abstract ideas and other publication requests please use the form found in this link

Clinical Diabetes 2023 June Special Issue Ideas  

  1. BMI Trends for Pediatrics and Adult 2016-2021 (Nelson)
  2. Depression Screening QI (Dei Tutu, Odugbesan)
  3. Lessons learned from QI Health Equity Project (Odugbesan)
  4. Establishment of the T2D Collaborate (Tsai, Rioles)
  5. SDOH QI Screening (Jones)
  6. 2020-2022 Metrics Analysis (Mungmode)

Clinical Interest:

  • Please fill out this form if you have not already to help facilitate groups with similar clinical interest

Discussed future publication opportunities. Suggestions:

  • High impact journals (not diabetes focused) such as JAMA, NEJM, Lancet, etc
  • Suggestions from the grou:
    • DTT (they are doing a winter education-themed issue.) Perhaps there is an opportunity for QI themed issue
    • Clinical Diabetology
    • Journal of Pediatrics

Next Meeting: Tuesday February 21st 2023

Recording Link:




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