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August 22 2022

Data Governance Committee Meeting 8-22-2022 v2.0


  • Introductions- Dan DeSalvo and Carol Levy
  • Mission and Vision – Dan and Carol
  • Current Projects – Ann
  • Vertex Proposal – Osagie

Current Projects:

  • Create guiding principles to make sure we are remaining non-biased with device companies, open door mentality
    • What we are doing now is open for all, non biased project work


  • Concern for ICD 10 codes for sexual maturity
  • There might be some incomplete data, because not all sites collect it
  • Total daily insulin needs
    • Mixed results pump data vs. MDI
    • Daily insulin also variable on carbs per day too
  • Be clear to vertex what data we will and will not provide them based on limitations




Passcode: #id2pG#u


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