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June 8 2022


Data Science Committee

Meeting Minutes



  • Introduction of new Co-Chairs
  • Overview of QI Metrics and brief review or revision made to data spec for version upgrade in 2021 (v2.7)
  • Discussion with group to review adding/modifying existing data fields
  • Review clinic workflow (Dr. Joyce Lee)

Key Points:

  • Review Quality Improvement Metrics
  • Data Specifications (7 files)
    • Patient
    • Observations
    • Diabetes
    • Encounter
    • Provider
    • Conditions
    • Medications
  • Overview: Revisions in Data Spec V2.7
  • Endo encounters/non endo visits
  • SDOH expanded
    • Food insecurity
    • Hunger Vital signs Q1 and Q2
  • Medication file expanded to capture prescription name, generic name, prescription class and sub class
  • Proposed updates for Data Spec V2.8
  • Race/Ethnicity (mixed race category)
    • Adopt fare definition (proposed by Dr. Lee)
  • Feasibility of adding Pregnancy filed (yes/no)
    • Define what are we trying to get form this data (Dr. Basina)
    • Centers specific QI projects in pregnant women (Dr. Clements)
    • Work with interested sites as a pilot for collecting this data, stork model in epic (Dr. Lee)
  • Education as proxy to socioeconomic (Suggestions from group on best way to categorize)
  • Smart Pen use (Suggest additional category under insulin in data spec)
  • Add provider specialty column (MD endo yes/no)
  • C-peptide and auto antibodies testing/data collection process for diagnosis of T1D
    • Getting callout for positive or negative- autoantibodies (Dr. Clements)
    • Value with units rather than just category (Dr. Lee)

Workflow Process

  • Data quality impacted by workflow
  • Sharing sessions for workflow design, better process, great for non-mapped centers
  • Can generate epic and cerner groups for more intentional work flow process


Link to portal video:


Link to data specs:


Meeting recording:

Passcode: .*o*0s@$


Next Meeting: Wednesday Sept 14th


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