February 18, 2025
Attendees: Siham Accacha, Halis Kaan Akturk, Monica Bianco, Timothy Bol, Emily Breidbart, Stephanie Crossen, Carla Demeterco-Berggren, Ines Guttman-Bauman, Holly Hardison, Manu Kamboj, Laura Jacobsen, Shideh Majidi, Liz Mann, Grace Nelson, Nicole Rioles, Grenye O’Malley, Tossaporn Seeherunvong, Francesco Vendrame, Ruth Weinstock, Jenise Wong
- Welcome
- Publication Language Guide Updates
- Annual Survey Proposal
- Review Publication Proposal Process
- 2025 Publication Plans
- Discussion on Publication Processes
Publication Guide:
- Please provide feedback to the T1DX-QI Publication Language Guide by March 31st.
- Use this link to share feedback
Annual Survey Proposal:
- The Annual Survey Proposal tool was shared with a May 2nd due date for topic submissions.
- Email qi@t1dexchange.org and cc nrioles@t1dexcahnge.org and hhardison@t1dexchange.org with your ideas.
ADA 2025 Submissions:
- Dr. Akturk briefly reviewed the QI Publication Process and shared a current list of ADA Abstract submissions.
- T1D Exchange Multicenter Study: Increasing CGM Adoption in Type 2 Diabetes
- Assessing Clinic Readiness for implementation of equitable and sustainable new-onset care in the T1DX-QI
- Benchmarking ratio of diabetes providers to number of people with type 1 diabetes across 9 pediatric centers
- HbA1c Improvement with the Addition of Continuous Glucose Monitoring to GLP-1 Agonist Therapy in people with type 2 Diabetes.
Current 2025 Publication Plans:
- Eight publications based off Special Projects/Annual Survey
- Staffing Survey (1-2 Manuscripts, Mary Pat Gallagher and Ksenia Tonyushkina)
- School Survey Questions (1 manuscript, Chistine March)
- BPA Project (potentially 3 manuscripts, Risa Wolf and Nes Mathioudakis)
- Breakthrough T1D Screening (1 Manuscript, Laura Jacobsen and Carla Demeterco-Berggren)
- 4T Group (1 Manuscript)
- Diabetes Distress Group (1 Manuscript)
- Health Care Transitions Group (1 Manuscript)
- T2D Adult Centers (1 Manuscript)
Dr. Ruth Weinstock asked about how the Annual Survey and how cuts at different agencies, will possibly affect centers. Can we have survey questions about how diabetes care is being affected?
Topics discussed for future survey:
- Current services and cuts to services; programs/gaps
- Using telemedicine to address gaps
- Proposal to ask pre-post questions (current state vs after cuts). How are hospitals handling NIH, Medicaid, and other funding cuts?
- We will have to consider the political implications that some of these survey questions may raise.
- Suggestion: letter to editor or commentary paper?
- Suggestion: survey [without publishing all data, for the benefit of Collaborative learning]
Publication and authorship processes:
- Goal to give equitable opportunities for publishing
- Recommendation to share research areas of interest
- Attendees expressed interest in giving junior faculty publishing opportunities as well clinics that are sharing data
- Interest in seeing measurement of “participation.” T1DX-QI tracks center participation in four domain areas. Our goal is 85% engagement with centers in these four areas:
- Collaborative calls: crediting engagement with at least one team member present
- Committee participation & special projects: QI Champion and PI Leadership committee attendance
- Coaching calls: quarterly calls with coaches
- Portal login [for mapped centers viewing their data], updating PDSA cycles, and data reporting in Smartsheet
- Working group reminders: if you or your team members would like to join any of the four active groups (T2D peds; HCL; Diabetes Distress; Transitions of Care) please email QI@t1d exchange.org and we will add you.
The Clinical Interest Form can be found at this link: https://t1d.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3gADJGeEHiZ9LpQ
Link to Recording:
Passcode: u^Kr4nAB
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