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February 7, 2025

Clinical Leadership Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2025 

A video recording and meeting slides are available at the bottom of this post.

Attendees: Siham Accacha, Grazia Aleppo, Marina Basina, Lori Benzoni, Timothy Bol, David Broome,  Abha Choudhary, Mark Clements, Lily Chao, Sarah Corathers, Emily Coppedge, Stephanie Crossen, Carla Demeterco-Berggren, Donna Eng, Naomi Fogel, Mary Pat Gallagher, Lauren Golden, Alissa Guarneri, Tami Hannon, Jeniece Ilkowitz, Laura Jacobsen, Manu Kamboj, Joyce Lee, Carol Levy, Jaqueline Lonier, Shideh Majidi, Liz Mann, Nestoras Mathioudakis, Monica Mortensen, Grace Nelson, Priya Prahalad, Nicole Rioles, Alissa Roberts, Deboarh Plante, Robert Rapaport, Janine Sanchez, Jessica Schmitt, Caroline Shulmeister, Yumiko Tsushima, Francesco Vendrame, Ruth Weinstock, Jenise Wong, Trevon Wright 


  • Dr. Francesco Vendrame made introductions and introduced the agenda. 
  • Nicole Rioles provided a Statement of Work update, on the overall funding of the Collaborative and our funding for data mapping . 
    • The next and final round of invoicing for the 2025 work period is due by May 1, 2025. 
    • All clinics are expected to complete data mapping in the period of now through June 30, 2025. Invoices for data mapping will be accepted through September 1, 2025. 
    • Final reminder for invoicing for the 2024 period: invoices are due before March 1, 2025. Work with your finance office to create and submit invoices to T1D Exchange. 
    • Sustainability: funding projects will come in the form of [industry and grant] sponsored projects. 
    •  A question was asked about long term operation of the Portal: T1D Exchange will have financial support to keep the Coordinating Center and team as well as the Portal functioning. Additional/grant support is needed to cover clinic FTE support.  

Working Group Updates: 

  • Diabetes Distress Group – Dr. Alissa Roberts provided an update on the accomplishments of this group, which meets monthly:  
    • An ADA abstract set for March 2025 submission. A manuscript will follow. 
    • Diabetes Distress training, and formal on-site DDAS training has been completed at three clinics.  
    • Implemented annual diabetes distress screenings at thirteen clinics.  
    • Enrolled clinics for Smartsheet tracking, registry reports, other screenings, and incorporating screening info Data Specification for reporting purposes.  
    • A specific timeline for the continuation of the workgroup is still being considered, but the co-chair feels that it should.  
    • There is considerable interest in people joining this group and would like and meeting dates shared and invites sent out. If anyone would like to join, the group meets the last Friday of the month from 12 pm – 1 pm. Please email QI@t1dexchange if you would like to be added to this list. 
    • Discussion occurred about how clinicians are managing distress in family members of people with diabetes and the DDAS training program, including possibly sharing the online training recordings with the Collaborative.  
  • Glucose Monitoring – Dr. Marina Basina provided an overview sharing the working group’s ideas to increase use of CGM. She stated that for the state of CA, CGM is, relatively speaking easily available and covered by most payers in their region.  
    • The group met for five months in 2023 and decided to disband due to wide technology adoption. Many members of the Glucose Monitoring group moved over to the HCL group. 
    • Dr. Vendrame suggested creating a workgroup focused on into obesity and use of GLP-1s.  
    • The group was solicited for suggestions, and GLP-1 use for improved cardiovascular health and weight loss was suggested including a working group focusing on obesity and GLP-1s. The group suggested interest in the topic of improving GLP1 access/prescribing for both T1D and T2D populations. 
    • Feedback was shared and attendees expressed interest in Dr. Basina’s CVD risk calculator for statin use in type 1 and appropriate guidelines. She will be presenting this at grand rounds at Stanford in February. 
  • Hybrid Closed Loop – Dr. Carol Levy shared that this group started as a Quality Improvement Project struggling with diversity including people with learning disabilities, the elderly, people experiencing pregnancy. She could see this group switching focus and spinning off into a group focused on HCL topics in Collaborative publications or something similar. 
    • The group should continue for another 8-10 months to further develop best practices, sharing insights, and lay the groundwork for future publications and other outcomes.  
    • The group has not yet implemented significant practice changes or workflows but they are sharing best practices and are open to new ideas. 
    • Rebranding to discuss HCL area of interest and generated active discussion. The rebrand will take place during the April call. 
    • Marina Basina mentioned an interest in having the group share HCL best practices that are brand/model/device specific, since this is a significant gap. 
    • The group is open to new members joining and a new direction.  
  • Transitions of Care – Dr. Sarah Corathers provided updates on the challenges of transitions of care from pediatric to adult centers, which she feels is a great topic for the Collaborative as it has a lot of centers representing both groups.   
    • She presented a poster last year on survey data that had gone out through the network, which is now a manuscript awaiting final pieces before they can publish.  
    • Centers are incorporating best practices into their clinics, especially the use of a transition readiness assessment tool.  

Closing Comments  

  • Can T1DX send out the meeting times and contact person for each work group so that they might join new or additional groups? Link to member website link to 2025 meetings can be found here. Please email if you would like to be added to any working groups or if you would like to have some of your team members added. 
  • Dr. Demeterco-Berggren shared her appreciation for the group, for Nicole, and encouraged the group to think outside the box and continue working on small improvements and making them sustainable. 
  • Dr. Vendrame mentioned that we will need to be resourceful and try to become aware of all of the resources available to us.  

Slides and Recording from the Meeting:

Feb Clinical Leadership 2-7-25


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