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Inpatient APP Diabetes Service


Does anyone have inpatient APP diabetes service? If yes, can you please provide me with the information how this service runs in terms of new consults, follow ups, and if this is an independent service or staffed by the attending MD?

Name: Marina Baina, MD
Clinic: Stanford University Medical Center
Adult or Pediatric Population: Adults
Date: 2/5/2025

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi Dr. Basina,

    Yes, we use APPs on our inpatient diabetes service at Texas Children’s. The team is led by an attending MD and also includes a pedi endo fellow and a pediatric resident. The APP is usually assigned up to 5 patients, which can be new onset diabetes, DKA, or new consult for oncology, PICU, transplant, etc. They do new consults, H&Ps, and follow their patients until discharge. We have 5 APPs at our Med Center location and they rotate inpatient service 1-week at a time. They only work Moday-Friday 7a-5p and do not take any night, weekend, or holiday call. They always work with the attending and fellow.

    It’s been a great system for providing excellent patient care while also maximizing the education experience for trainees and alleviating the service demands.

    Warm regards,

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