February 3, 2025
Teams Meeting Link: T2D Center Report Out Meeting-20250203_140324-Meeting Recording.mp4
T2D Center Report Out Meeting Minutes:
Attendees: Corinne Aia, Timothy Bol, James Dawson, Kathryn Fantasia, Thayer Idrees, Nicole Little, Ori Odugbesan, Nicole Rioles, Susan Thapa, Kate Wiley, Anton Wirsch, Trevon Wright, Margaret Zupa
Introductions were made, milestones, next steps, and an overview of the last 18 months were provided.
Agenda was shared: Review Project Timeline
Project aim – increase the utilization of CGM (by 10% for people with T2 by 10/31/24
BMC did an education video and online classes
UPMC FAQ Sheet, CGM posters in clinic, use HER capturing CGM data in dashboards, reducing disparities in CGM use among T2D, ongoing translation services,
Next steps: Equity Change Package Created, and submitted an abstract to ADA, which we hope to fold into a paper down the road.
Susan provided an update on the project’s testing changes and scaling.
UPMC – Dr. Zupa presented the original KDD for the T2D CGM Project to increase the utilization of CGM by 10% for people with T2D. Barriers to CGM were addressed and general awareness of CGM was increased. They adopted a Grady initiative to create and distribute posters/handouts for all patients with diabetes and distributed a survey to all patients when rooming them. 3rd intervention – capturing CGM data on quality dashboard reports to eventually facilitate targeted outreach to patients or their providers to promote CGM uptake, which increased by 7% over the course of the project.
Grady Dr. Idrees gave a brief overview of Grady Memorial Hospital and presented his center’s CGM insurance access map, CGMs are less discussed and less prescribed for historically marginalized populations. Hundreds of patients are unfamiliar with CGMs so a CGM Screener is given to them while they’re in the waiting room to gauge their level of interest. A class is also provided for patients who express interest in CGM. Then a pre/post survey is provided and the patient reported scores are analyzed.
Of the CGM prescribed many were cancelled or have unknown outcomes; in total 53/183 were completed. To address those barriers, a virtual class was proposed. Findings were shared, needs to decrease human resource utilization to reach the goal, simplify the process, and the constant struggle of social drivers of health.
BMC Dr. Fantasia and Corinne Aia provided an overview of BMC and its status as the largest safety-net hospital in New England. They treat 600 PwT1D and 4,000 PwT2D /year. The CGM process map’s main barrier was determining who would be eligible and who would benefit from CGM, in addition to determining whether a CGM is covered. Having diabetes educators and technology navigators are also helpful. The Center put together an educational video on their website and a flyer with a QR code to display in exam rooms. These flyers were translated for maximum exposure.
Since clinicians can run into difficulties determining what sort of eligibility criteria is for each insurer, the center created a chart of insurance eligibility criteria. They also created a patient facing flyer to encourage discussion with the clinicians. A CGM survey of 4 questions was distributed to all clinicians, and barriers were tabulated and addressed.
Dieticians felt that they didn’t have enough knowledge of CGMs so additional training was created for them. Prescriptions for CGM increased by 14% with gaps in equity narrowing. Additional PDSA are planned, with more in-service for all dietitians and new monthly CGM classes including CGM basics and CGM & Nutrition. Lessons learned included involving the broader community, using data collection and reviews to target interventions, taking small steps to avoid overwhelming people and resources, and, finally, sharing resources.
Nicole added there will be a grant submitted in the next three weeks. If accepted, it will be activated from 6/2025 to 05/2026 to support the rest of the data mapping and validation. James Dawson provided an update on the IT mapping. Type 2 Data Mapping and Validation, in order to have it added to the Portal, is being validated by an external partner. They are validating the numbers while also defining the metrics, but overall, there is a 2025 goal to simplify this process. T1D Exchange plan is to have T2D data added to Portal by 2026.
Nicole added, we would like to start with data validation process with Grady with small data numbers, chart reviews, and a one-page data validation sheet. Next steps: share the meeting minutes, and please send us your slides via email. Thank you.
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