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T2D Pediatric Work Group 10/10/2024 2:00pm

T2D Pediatric Work Group 10/10/24 2:00pm

Participants: Monica Bianco; Lily Chao, MD, Carla Demeterco-Berggren, MD; Ori Odugbesan, MD; Nicole Rioles

The Pediatrics T2D Measure was reviewed with discussion focusing on ICD coding and LDL levels in items 2a) and 2b).

Revisions were suggested and changes were made around 2), and the language was updated.

Data Mapping was discussed, and specifications were reviewed.

Age limit of 75 years old was removed from the measure as well as including people under 18, to limit coding errors. Patients with positive antibodies were confirmed to be included in the Measure Guidelines to aid in exclusions.

Baseline data was shared regarding patient populations.

The meeting adjourned and the next meeting was announced for November 8th, 2024. This meeting is scheduled right before the ADEPT Learning Session so attendance will be lighter than usual.


Link to the recording can be found below:

Passcode: H?Qn6AZ7


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