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CDCES Guidelines


I’m reaching out to inquire about partner organization’s experiences/ best practices related to CDCES guidelines for pattern review and insulin dose adjustments for patients. Currently, our MDs and APRNs own all dose adjustment responsibilities and we are hoping to shift to the CDCES team. Any insights into strategies for successful implementation would be greatly appreciated

Name: Amy Poetker, MS, RD, CDCES
Clinic: Cincinnati Children’s
Adult or Pediatric Population: Pediatric
Date: 4/12/2024

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hello,
    Our CDCES do insulin dose adjustments (injections and pumps) for many patients. They will ask for assistance if the patient is particularly young, complex or if there are other concerns. CDCES will typically do up to about a 10% change at a time. They send the changes to the provider as an FYI. Newer CDCES that are not comfortable doing it on their own will propose changes and ask provider to review and give feedback. Happy to discuss more if you have more questions.

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