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July 21, 2022

T1D Exchange (T1DX) Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL)                     Meeting Agenda 

July 21, 2022, 1-2:30 pm EDT, Zoom 


Ananta Addala, Ashley Butler, Carla Demeterco, Osagie Ebekozien, Colette Edwards, Eddie Hammond, Holly Hardison, Kristopher Leeper, Shideh Majidi, Faisal Malik, Makaila Manukyan, Ann Mungmode, Nudrat Noor, Margarita Ochoa-Maya, Ori Odugbesan, Gary Puckrein, Jennifer Raymond, Nicole Rioles, Janine Sanchez, Devin Steenkamp, Tenishia Thurman 


  Time  Item  Facilitator 
1:00-1:10 pm 



  • Welcome 
  • Centering  

Dr. Osagie Ebekozien 

Ann Mungmode 

1:10-1:25 pm 


T1DX HEAL manuscript 

  • Operationalizing Racial Equity manuscript outline 
Dr. Ananta Addala  


1:25-2:10 pm 


T1DX-QI Annual Center Survey Questions 

  • Racial Equity practices 
  • LGBTQ practices 

Dr. Ananta Addala 

Dr. Jennifer Raymond 

2:10-2:30 pm 


Updates and Close Out 

  • Summary of next steps 
  • Next meeting 10/20, 1 PM EST 
T1DX staff 


Welcome and Introduction 

  • How is your head doing and how your heart is doing? 

T1DX HEAL Manuscript 

  • Want to share with others what we are doing at HEAL 
  • Operationalizing Medical Racism or Racial Equity 
  • Medical Racism in text but Racial Equity in the title  
  • Equity sounds more hopeful and sounds like we are offering solutions rather than just an explanation  
  • KDD a great framework of what some clinics are doing, but what clinics should be doing 
  • How people in the country are addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) 
  •  Help people see the “actors” in pushing equity, help spell out what each role can do   
  • Who is responsible? 
  • Who can do something? 
  • Educate new medical students, healthcare students, use this as an early on teaching tool 
  • Historical perspective – when sharing data race is a social construct  
  • Setting a clinic policy that includes all 
  • Focus on where our colleagues have a voice and have a role 
  • Institutional Racism to avoid keeping it too high level 
  • Tailors paper to stay focus 
  • Too many layers can become convoluted  
  • Narrower focus  

T1DX- QI annual Center Survey Questions 

Racial Equity 

  • Add clarity to center on what level  
  • Comparing racially diverse centers with survey results 
  • Is anyone on the team part of a committee or task force in their institution to actively make change 
  • Leadership or who takes ownership of curriculum  


  • How do you ask this question, what language are you using? 
  • Include all categories  
  • What is the culture behind asking, is it a priority?  
  • Communications campaign behind collecting the data  
  • Training on how to ask questions to get the data  



Next meeting: Thursday October 20 2022 1-2:30pm EST 

Link to meeting recording: 


Passcode: trLdUm.1 


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