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T1D Monitoring Project meeting minutes 9/25/23

T1D Screening and Monitoring Project meeting 9/25/23 4:00 PM ET

Participants: Carla Demeterco-Berggren; Laura Jacobsen; Osagie Ebekozien; Nicole Rioles; Ann Mungmode; Emma Ospelt


What are we most looking forward to by participating in this project?

  • Sharing best practices
  • Determining a workflow
  • Advocating for equity (publicly insured patients)
  • Prevent DKA
  • EPIC integration
  • Robust data analysis


  • Participate in QI project and update prior work to quantify care team perceptions
  • Support development of a change package and published manuscript

Process map sharing

  • Rady shared an initial process
    • How do you screen non-patients (particularly adults)
      • They will need to agree to screening and billing setup
      • Or send to TrialNet
    • Over this project, we will explore steps for monitoring in the event patients are not interested or eligible for Tzield
    • Also, ID an algorithm to determine stages of diabetes (has a family dx with T1D, positive for antibodies, etc.)
    • We can invite BDC ASK program to a future call
    • Rady team will invite nurse educators to future calls
  • University of FL shared TrialNet process
    • Medscape has a good piece on family perspectives that can share this with group
    • Process exists, and there is room to improve
      • Can take months for TrialNet to share negative result with patient
      • General population is not eligible for TrialNet
    • UF also has a list of ICD-10 codes that can use in place of stages of diabetes (will share with group)
      • Teams can also view list of Quest labs in EMR
    • JDRF guidelines should be available soon
      • We can invite Anastasia O’Neill to the next call to review guidelines
    • Our plan is to start data sharing in January

Next steps

  • T1DX team to share meeting minutes and materials on T1DX-QI member website
  • T1DX team to share times that work for a late Nov/early Dec meeting, and following Jan meeting

Meeting Recording


Ann Mungmode

Ann Mungmode

Quality Improvement Program Manager, T1D Exchange.

Ann has experience and interest in quality improvement science, making data actionable, and addressing health inequities.

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