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July 19, 2023

Diabetes Distress Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, July 19, 2023

In attendance: Alissa Roberts, Don Buckingham, Emily Ospelt, Maggie Gillis, Devin Steenkamp, Liz Brouillard, Nicole Rioles and Tammi Hannon

  • Devin shared slides from BMC’s diabetes distress interventions
    • Collaborating with Larry Fisher
    • 8 item screener that is being tested (not available in Spanish, not validated for kids, not tabulating score on website)
    • Reviewed primary operations questions for implementation (who, how, where, etc)
    • Using validating statements with patients to talk through patient distress, even if it can’t be “fixed” immediately
    • BMC is leaning towards using 28 item scale because of the online resources (Spanish, scoring, etc)
    • Challenges with getting implemented in Epic
    • Ideas- build into group education sessions
    • Possibility of using a QR code in waiting area but can’t pull that data from phone
  • Liz talked through the 6 cases that were screened at BMC
  • Feedback from the peds centers
    • Tami (is using Cerner) said that the 8 question screener isn’t specific enough for peds population. She is happy to stick with the longer PAID T. Better fit. They used Twistle for online documentation, not tied to Cerner as a bridge: Twistle by Health Catalyst – Health Catalyst
    • Alissa also thought that PAID T is a better fit.
  • Group agreed that there will not be a single scale for use that fits both peds and adult needs
    • Talked about reporting and asked if Distress appears in the data spec
    • T1DX team (Nicole and Emma) will talk to Data Science Committee about adding Diabetes Distress to the spec for mapping/reporting purposes
    • Distress questions do appear in Smartsheet as elective measures, but no center is sharing yet. Distress appears in both the adult and peds KDD (pasted below) and in adult and peds measures, pasted below.
  • Next meeting: Wednesday August 16th 2-3pm EST

11.) Number of patients in (A) seen in the reporting month who have been screened for distress in the past year. Do you feel stressed – tense, restless, nervous, or anxious, or unable to sleep at night because your mind is troubled all the time – these days? Jan 1, 2023-Dec 31, 2025, T1DX-QI Pediatric Quality Improvement Measures 4 | P a g e Version 1.0 Last Updated: November 28, 2022 i. Not at all ii. Only a little iii. To some extent iv. Rather much v. Very much

15.) Number of patients in (A) seen in the reporting month who have been screened for distress in the past year. Do you feel stressed – tense, restless, nervous, or anxious, or unable to sleep at night because your mind is troubled all the time – these days?

  1. Not at all
  2. Only a little
  3. To some extent
  4. Rather much
  5. Very much
Raymond Burgett

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