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July 26, 2023

DSC July Meeting 2023

Data Science Committee

Meeting Minutes


Attendees:, Emma Ospelt, Holly Hardison, Marina Basina, Joyce Lee, Maggie Gillis, Siham Accacha, Andrew Lavik, Ann Mungmode, James Dawson, Anton Wirsch, Mary Pat Gallagher, Naomi Fogel, Saketh Rompicherla, Nicole Rioles, Osagie Ebekozien, Nana Hawa Yayah-Jones


  • Update to number of sites mapped
  • Brief T1D & T2D data spec updates
  • Overview and “lessons learned” from EHR workflow paper
  • Standardized reporting for sensors/automated AID use for the collaborative


Manuscript Discussion

  • Screenshots from 13 centers
  • What tools/workflows do you have?
  • All sites were able to report TIR, TBR and CGM Use
  • Everyone had fields about CGM
    • Variability on CGM questions
    • Some centers are only asking on brand but not wear time
  • Pump and CGM Priorities
    • Barriers to technology
    • Time above and below range
      • 90 day window
        • If we steer away from International Consensus Guidelines, make sure we have the data to back up
      • Patient reported Hypo events

EMR Mapped Site Updates:

  • 31 fully mapped sites
  • 3 in validation phase

T1D and T2D Data Specification Updates

  • 3 different working groups
  • Changes and Revisions ready for next Data Science Meeting (October 25th 2023)


Link to data specs:





Next Meeting: Wednesday October 26th 10-11am EST

Link to Recording:

Passcode: %Vl49Xj=


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