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March 6, 2023

Data Governance Committee Meeting 2023.3.6 (002)

Data Governance Meeting, March 6, 2023

Attendees: Ann Mungmode, Holly Hardison, Osagie Ebekozien, Daniel DeSalvo, Emilie Hess, Nicole Rioles, Ruth Weinstock, Marina Basina, Anna Neyman, Kathryn, Obrynba, Kathryn Fantasia, Todd Alonso, Joyce Lee, Nicole Sheanon, Janine Sanchez, Grace Nelson, Caleb Schmid, Carol Levy



  • Introductions
  • Updates on industry-sponsored projects
  • Expansion of T2D program and DGC Implications


Completed Projects:

  • MannKind Ultra Rapid Insulin
  • Medtronic Health Equity in Diabetes Technology Pilot
  • Fear of Hypoglycemia
  • T1D Antibody Screening Qualitative Assessment

Current Projects:

  • CGM Analysis (collecting surveys to closeout)
  • Smart Pen Equity (on track)
  • EMR Analysis (on track, new project)
  • Antibody Screening QI Project (on track, held kick-off meeting)
  • Type 2 Diabetes Expansion (project initiation began)
  • Type 2 Diabetes QI (contract pending)

Project Satisfaction Questions:

  • Do industry/stakeholders feel this project has moved the bar in terms of improving quality of care? Improving Health Equity?
  • Ease and feasibility to engage in project?
  • If one sided (peds or adult only) would you recommend to counterpart?

Survey Response:

  • Perhaps to include in Contract
  • Share who has reported to sites can be motivated to respond

T2DX-QI Updates:

  • Pilot with Stanford and Upstate Medical University
    • Improved team capacity
    • Prescription of SGLT2 and GLP-1 increased by 18%
    • Depression Screening increased by 34%
  • Pilot expanded to include 3 new sites (Boston Medical Center, Grady Memorial and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)


  • General concerns with language of the DUA agreement?
    • Optional sharing, sites not required to share T2D data
    • No minimum patient number for sharing at this point
  • Potential industry partnerships for T2D?

Next Meeting: Monday May 22, 2023


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