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Do other face issues with getting keytone strips supplied for patients?

  1. We are wondering about what other sites do about ketone strips and if we believe it’s a national problem we want to do something about it!
    • Right now most insurances do not cover ketone strips for our patients (urine or blood). Sometimes we can get one at diagnosis from the local pharmacy but after that it is not covered. Patients are forced to order on Amazon or buy at pharmacy out of pocket.
    • Given that the ADA recommends blood ketones to be checked that would be ideal, but if not, patients should be able to get urine strips as checking for ketones is a life or death thing, that is required to care for their diabetes.
    • So questions are – what do other sites do and if they are running into the same issue we need to push for advocacy to get these covered for our patients?
Name: Jeniece Ilkowitz, BSN, MA, CDCES
Clinic: Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone
Adult or Pediatric Population: Both
Date: 11/17/2022

This Post Has One Comment

  1. We have also experienced this. We have had success at getting this covered for patients at the durable medical equipment companies, but not at the pharmacy. Which is frustrating for those that have pharmacy coverage for their supplies.

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