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September Adult Collaborative Call Sept 20, 2022

Adult Collaborative Call Meeting Minutes

Sept Adult Collaborative Call 2022

September 20, 2022, 3:30-5:00pm

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Updates from the Collaborative
    • We currently have 50 Participating Clinics, 32 Pediatric & 18 Adult
    • Welcome Trevon Wright, MHA, Senior Quality Improvement Analyst
    • November Learning Session details
      • Agenda will be shared in October
      • Activity timeline
        • Start: 8am 11/7/2022 (encouraged to fly in 11/6/2022)
        • End 3pm on 11/8/2022
      • Reimbursement form
      • Accepted Abstract poster and slides due Tuesday October 4th . Please email if you have any questions.
    • T1DX-QI Website



  • Clinical Presentation Boston Medical Center, Devin Steenkamp
    • Learning Objectives:
      • Increasing Hybrid Closed Loop Pump Use
      • Higher A1c in minority populations
      • Pump and CGM combined led to decrease in A1c level
      • Educating medical staff and refreshing on technology led to more referrals


  • Clinical Presentation NYU, Akankasha Goyal
    • Learning Objectives:
      • SERPA randomized clinical trial, weekly semaglutide versus standard of care
      • Following changes in A1c between the two cohorts
      • Several participants continued with the medication post trial, due to positive results

Next meeting: Tuesday January 23rd, 3:30pm-5pm EST

Link for meeting recording:


Passcode: .W5jaKDn


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