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IMPROVAID Kickoff Meeting

IMPROVAID Project Kickoff Call Meeting 2/13/2025

Medtronic Meeting Feb 2025 AID Grant

Attendees: Siham Accacha, Berit Bagley, Marina Basina, Tim Bol, Kristina Cossen, Stephanie Crossen, Hailee Delsart, Evelyn Fronczyk, David Hansen, Holly Hardison, Shaziah Hassan, Kai Jones, Rachel Lee, Camilla Levister, Ori Odugbesan, Emma Ospelt, Grenye O’Malley,  Deborah Plante, Nicole Rioles, Trevon Wright

Introduction: Nicole Rioles thanked the attendees for joining and introduced them to the “Improve AID use at T1D Diagnosis (IMPROVAID)” Special Project.

Eight pediatric and six adult centers expressed interest in participating in the project. Statements of Work will be distributed for review by 2/18. We ask that you prioritize reviewing and signing, and returning by 3/21. For those  who expressed interest and are not listed, if the project expands in the future, we would like to add your center. For now, the project is capped at six pediatric and six adults centers.

The three Project Aims were shared.

  1. Accelerate AID data collection and conduct AID real world analysis
  2. Analysis to understand factors that influence diabetes providers’ recommendations of AID systems
  3. Reduce therapeutic inertia and enhance AID Prescription for newly diagnosed people with T1D.

An overview of project milestones from July 2024 to the present, which encompasses Aims 1 and 2, was provided. Background information about demographics in the T1D Exchange Database Profile and the benefits of initiating early AID use were also shared.

Aim 2: There  are many factors influencing access that vary by state and institution, and variation in decisions to recommend AID use by by individuals. We hope to better understand  clinician perspectives on the decision-making process. Charts showing a preference ranking of factors for both pediatric (family preference) and adult (health literacy) provider decision making were shared.

Aim 3: Initiate a QI Project to improve prescribing of AID in an equitable way using the Ten-Step Equity Framework in prescribing AID in new-onset patients and describe results in pilot centers.

Data Plans for this QI work involve analysis of

  • Demographic information (race/ethnicity, insurance)
  • Glycemic outcomes
    • A1c
    • AID uptake (early vs delayed)
    • Device use (AID)
    • AID use at baseline and follow up
    • Trends in AID use: incidence and prevalence

A monthly meeting schedule was shared:

March 2025 Share Smartsheet with participating centers and begin data reporting
March 2025 Participating centers share clinic process for AID
April 2025 Participating centers create a fishbone diagram
May 2025 Brainstorm interventions & create a KDD
June-Dec 2025 Use QI tools to test changes in clinic to improve AID use. Teams will meet monthly to share insights (separate meetings for adult and pediatric enters)
Deliverables Qualitative analysis, abstracts, and manuscripts

Next Steps:

  • Create a monthly meeting schedule for the group
  • Baseline data reporting and monthly data sharing

Discussion: Ori Odugbesan expanded on the timeline: the first step will be to share a Smartsheet with each center and to better understand process flow at each center. At what point do you prescribe to your patient? Identify pain points. By next month we willdiscuss process maps, and we will meet monthly. We will create one fishbone diagram and one KDD as a team so that by June we can separate the team into adult and pediatric groups while keeping the meetings monthly. Our approach will be the same 10 step framework that we have used in other special projects.

Questions: Dr. Siham Accacha asked about what does Smartsheet includes and what are your expectations for us to get ready? Ori – we will be tracking AID use so we are asking for A1cs and maybe two additional metrics, plus insurance, in a Smartsheet, which is like an Excel spreadsheet. We will define those metrics before sharing the Smartsheet. For centers that are mapped, we will only ask that you report on metrics that are not already captured in the mapped data that is shared (for example, tracking AID start date, etc.) Many centers, while mapped, have gaps in sharing device use data. Because of this gap, we will have to work together to make the essential metrics reportable. .

Discussion occurred about a timeframe for data collection and time in range. However, we only plan to collect TIR on the back end, if that data is accessible. .

A Doodle Poll will be sent out to all the centers to determine the best times to host these upcoming monthly meetings.

Closing Comments: Please be prompt with your Doodle Poll and understand that we have to select the time that works for most people. If the selected time doesn’t work for you and  you have a colleague you would like to invite, please feel free to do so. We are excited to get started and are hoping to create a standard of practice for people who are newly diagnosed with T1D.

Meeting Recording Link:

Passcode: eL&9NcLS


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