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July 19, 2024



Carol Levy – Mt. Sinai (Adult)


Emily Coppedge – Cornell (Peds)


  • The group discussed possible ways to address insurance barriers for prescribing hybrid closed loop systems.
  • Everyone shared their current processes for prior authorization. Dr. Basina shared her prior authorization template.
  • Trevon shared letters of insurance examples from Texas Children’s and Leboneur Children’s hospital, and Cornell.
  • The group discussed various insurance barriers to prescribing Omnipod 5.


Next Steps:

  • The group would like to share a shorter version of the survey during the learning session.
  • Participants will continue to share insurance letters with Trevon.
  • Standardize a process for sharing best practices.
  • Next meeting: Friday September 20th, 2024, 2pm to 3pm.


Recording: Hybrid Closed Working Group Meeting-20240719_140339-Meeting Recording.mp4


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