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September 4, 2024

Data Governance Committee Meeting 20240904_2

T1DX-QI Data Governance Committee, Meeting minutes, 9/4/2024


Attendees: Carla Demeterco-Berggren, Georgia Davis, David Hansen, Kristina Cossen, Nicole Rioles, Alissa Guarneri, Marina Basina, Daniel DeSalvo, Trevon Wright, Grace Nelson, Jenise Wong, Janine Sanchez, Emma Ospelt, Susan Thapa

  • Overview of T1DX-QI’s accreditation process to the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
    • T1DX-QI has scored itself against the three domains and identified opportunities for improvement in Domains 1 and 3.
    • Next steps:
      • Review compliance
      • Develop a Human Research Protection Plan
      • Submit to AAHRPP before Q4 2025. T1DX-QI will share draft application with DGC before submission
    • Updates on Industry Sponsored Projects: overview of four projects
      • Screening project
        • Increase screening from baseline for T1D of first-degree relatives of PwT1D
        • Goal of monitoring people as they progress to stage 3 T1D
        • Two pilot plus four participating pediatric centers
      • Best Practice Advisories for Tech Equity Project
        • Seven participating clinics
        • Goal of developing a BPA to standardize approach for prescribing and documenting ADT use of PwT1D
      • Improve AID use at T1D Diagnosis (IMPROVAID)
        • Accelerate AID data collection and real-world analysis
        • Understand factors that influence provider recommendation of AID systems
        • Reduce therapeutic inertia and improve AID prescribing for newly diagnosed PwT1D
        • 12 clinics will participate
      • AHRQ- grant submission to occur 9/25: Reducing Inequities in type 2 diabetes continuous glucose monitoring use. T1DX-QI aims to leverage our existing efforts in addressing inequities in T1D and establish a similar framework for T2D.
        • 9 Adult and 6 pediatric centers will be selected for participation
  • DGC Project Review Process
    • Reviewed the Data Use Proposal process currently on the T1DX website
      • Reviewed and received feedback on process with recommendations to explicitly state who is eligible to request what data and what data is sharable. New diagram will be update on website
    • Publication Policy [available on the Publications Committee website]
  • Next meeting: Feb 13, 2025 from 11 am – 12 pm EST


Zoom meeting recording

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