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July 9, 2024


T1DX QI Champions Committee

Meeting Agenda


    Facilitator Time


·                  Ice Breaker


·                  QI Co chair introduction

·        Blake



1:00 – 1:10
Site QI Update  

·        BDC Peds

QI project Rationale, result, learnings, and challenges

BDC Presentation



·        Rady Children

Rady In Pen Project





·                  Rebecca Campbell







·                  Christine Mendoza

1:10 – 1:30 pm

15 mins







15 mins

Questions & Closing Remarks ·                  Brainstorming (Discuss Challenges in QI Projects)

·                  Plans for next meeting: 9/10/24


·        Holly & Blake

1:30- 2:00 pm



Blake Adams (Le Bonheur Children Hospital) and Lydia Holly (Children’s National) started in their new role as co-chairs. They facilitated a conversation about ongoing projects and challenges that coordinators are experiencing. They end the meetings with 15 minutes open dialogue with other QI champions

Rebecca Campbell, and Christine Byer-Mendoza, shared their center’s ongoing QI projects. Slides available on the QI Website

QI Tools demonstrated during the presentation – PDSA cycles, Process Maps, Fishbone, and Key Driver Diagram

Link to Recording:

Passcode: V=k=^7p@

Next meeting is 9/9/2024


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