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April 24, 2024

DSC April 24 Meeting Slides

Data Science Committee Meeting

April 24, 2024


Attendees: Joyce Lee, Marina Basina, Emma Ospelt, Holly Hardison, Deborah Plante, Margaret Zupa, Andrew Lavik, Ryan McDonough, Osagie Ebekozien, James Dawson, Ann Mungmode, Saketh Rompicherla, Nirali Shah, David Lam, Donna Eng, Justin Indyk, Jenise Wong, Siham Accacha, Nana-Hawa Yayah Jones, Meenal Gupta, Mark Clements



  1. Introductions: new incoming co-chair candidates and transition meeting announcement and brief DSC updates- Dr. Lee and Dr. Basina
  2. In Patient data request discussion- Dr. Plante
  3. T2D Data Specification discussion- Dr. Zupa
  4. Patient Questionnaire Introduction- Dr Lee


T1D Mapping Updates

  • 35 centers fully mapped
  • 4 centers in validation phase


T2D Mapping Updates

  • 3 centers fully mapped
  • 2 centers still in mapping process


In Patient Data Request 

  • Utilize SHM benchmarking (or new NHSN) standardized data collection to compare T1D care performance against national standards, identifying areas for improvement and sharing best practices
  • UCD SHM Fall Benchmarking
  • eCQMs/NHSN
  • Diabetes Technology Integration
  • Track/incorporate diabetes technology, CGM, and insulin pumps (AID systems) to optimize glucose management during hospitalization and monitor the impact on patient outcomes.
  • DKA Management
  • Monitor metrics such as time to resolution, rebound hyperglycemia, use of protocols (including SQ for mild to moderate DKA)
  • Other Inpatient Data specifications
  • UCD versus outside patient, LOS, 30-day readmission rate to assess transition of care


T2D Data Specification

  • 2 sites currently mapped
  • 3 different groups working on the T2D data specifciation
    • Patient File
      • Expnasion on gender, education level and language
    • Provider file
      • Multiple specialites
    • Enocunter File
      • Expansion on outpatient specilaities
      • Potentially adding barries to why visits canceled
    • Observations
      • Activity levels
      • Vitals signs
      • Surveys on
        • Substance use
        • Vaping
      • No changes to conditions
      • Medications
        • Drug class to include more T2D specific drugs
      • Diabetes DIsease
        • Updated language for DKA and Severe Hypoglycemia
      • Diabetes Insulin
        • Mixed basal bolus
        • Inhaled insulin
        • Patch pumps
        • Removing


Patient Questionnaire

This questionnaire to only trigger for patients with a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in the patient’s problem list and the following visit types: NP, NP DIABETES, NP PEDIATRICS, NP URGENT, NP VIDEO VISIT, PHONE VISIT, RV, RV EXTENDED, RV EXTENDED VIDEO VISIT, RV SPECIAL, RV VIDEO VISIT

V11_T1DX-QI Patient Questionnaire for HITS_Final_4_24_2024_after_submission_to_HITS_with_HITS_edits_Final


Link to Recording:

Passcode: ^rqu1cAG











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