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April 15, 2024

Data Governance Committee Meeting 2024.4.15

April 15, 2024

Data Governance Committee Meeting


Attendees: Carol Levy, Daniel DeSalvo, Ann Mungmode, Holly Hardison, Saketh Rompicherla, Osagie Ebekozien, David Hansen, Nicole Rioles, David Ziemer, Grace Nelson, Kathryn Obrynba Isabel Reckson



  1. Welcome
  2. Data Governance Committee charter updates and co-chair update
  3. Sponsored project preliminary results – total daily insulin analysis
  4. Sponsored project update – T1D screening and monitoring QI and implementation
  5. T2DX-QI industry partnership discussion


Data Governance Charter:


  • Updated Purpose
  • Updated Roles and Responsibilities
    • Co-Chair
    • Member
    • T1DX-QI (Coordinating Center)
  • Addition of Data Governance Review Process
  • Removal of Committee Member Names



  • Total Daily Insulin
    • Vertex on investigational approach
    • Estimate total daily insulin dose in children and adolescents
    • TDD increased by age and reached peak that coincided with puberty, earlier for female
    • MDI users has higher TDD than pump users
    • Vertex is very pleased with these results; these will go on to inform one or two manuscript opportunities in the future
    • This is a very impactful project
  • T1D Screening and Monitoring
    • Examination of current processes and barriers
      • Communication of screening results
      • Follow up monitoring
    • Parallel process tracking
      • Qualtrics Survey and Smartsheet Reporting
    • ICD-10 diagnosis codes will become effective October 1, 2024 in the US:
      • A0 – Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, unspecified
      • A1 – Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, Stage 1
      • A2 – Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, Stage 2
      • FY 2025 IPPS Proposed Rule Home Page | CMSAnnouncement can be found in Table 6A
    • Also implementing the Consolidate Framework for Implementation Research to implement multiple focus groups throughout the project to learn centers’ experience implementing new processes and support expansion across the network
      • Help answer the question: how can other centers replicate this?
    • This project has implications for DGC as it expands the population in our EMR database to individuals who are screened and positive for autoantibodies but not yet confirmed T1D diagnosis
  • Novo Nordisk Proposal
    • 2023 Standards of Care recommends consideration of GLP-1RA and SGLT2 for individuals with T2D
  • T2DX-QI Industry Partners/Sponsor Brainstorming
    • Key T2DX-QI Elements
      • Patient Demographics
      • Device Use
      • Medications
      • BMI
      • Comorbidities
    • T2D Pump Study
    • T2D CGM Use
      • CGM use for patients not on insulin


Link to Recording:

Passcode: 22M%N4yf


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