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March 4, 2024 Grady

T2DX-QI Expansion, Grady Memorial, Meeting Minutes, Mar 4, 2024


Attendees: Nicole Rioles, Thayer Idrees, Kate Wiley, David Ziemer


  • Welcome
    • Idrees will be co-leading work with Dr. Ziemer. Dr. Haw will no longer be tied to project because of time constraints.
    • Wiley has been added to project. She will co-coordinate T2D project, splitting tasks with Ms. Taft.
  • Overview of current interventions and plans
    • Paper based survey now being implemented.
      • Paper based survey- asking questions about CGM eligibility (considering insurance coverage, costs, etc)
      • Survey administered by PARS at check-in.
      • Pain points: patient complete surveys. But “doesn’t get into provider hands” survey/results/opportunities with patients. Opportunity here for QI follow up to identify opportunities to improve workflow
      • Survey administration now implemented as practice-wide intervention
    • CGM patient education curriculum now being developed by Rachel Taft
      • Anticipate rolling out classes by mid-April
      • Small, in person class structure
      • Focusing on the basics
    • Pain points and opportunities
      • Prior auths, DME challenges, pharmacy benefits “a mess”
      • Using Parachute Health for DME and prior auths
      • Idrees mentioned that getting a dedicated acces coordinator would be effective to manage processes/follow up. Dr. Ziemer said that access coordinator staff are limited, shared across the hospital, and that diabetes is not a high priority area
      • Nicole mentioned that device questions/prompts could be systemized through BPA alerts (she will share sample practices from other Epic using centers, for consideration.)


Next meeting: Monday April 1, 2024 2-3 pm (EST)

Link to Recording:


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