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February 23, 2024

Diabetes Distress Meeting Minutes, Feb 23, 2024

Attendees: Malak Abdel-Hadi, Don Buckingham, Michelle Coulter, Tamara Hannon, Jennifer Iyengar, Farahnaz Joarder, Nicole Rioles, Caleb Schmid, Alissa Roberts, Devin Steenkamp, Ryan Tweet,


  • Welcome
    Our newest member is Dr. Farahnaz Joarder who is replacing Caleb in practice. Welcome Dr. Joarder!
  • Diabetes Distress questions for the annual survey
    • Handouts for screening. What does follow up look like?
    • What is your clinic screening for?
    • Interest in other psycho-social screeners (SDOH, disordered eating, etc)
    • What is done with results of screeners?
    • Patient feedback: what is the follow up?


Report outs

  • Nationwide: Malak- PAID still collecting data 2x week using nursing staff.
    • Low number with high distress
    • Looking to move to 3x per week
  • Michigan Jenny:
    • Offering MOC Part 4 credit for clinicians who use the BPA for DDS and handouts/education to create habit
    • Applied for internal grant for time support 4/1
    • 572 responses in two months. Average rate: 1.8. 3,000 patients eligible but denominator is unknown.
    • Not all clinics have tablets at check in
  • Seattle Alissa: using MyChart and tablets. Rates are “ok”. No interventions yet.
  • Oregon- Ryan- T1DDAS 30 item; T1D 17 item. Scale use. See as part of office visit note. Provider decides if referral is necessary. Acknowledging distress with patients. Summary pops up. Helps prioritize discussion. Can share Larry F’s abbreviated training.
  • BMC Devin
    • DDS- IRB pending. 100 people identified.
  • Indiana- Tammy
    • Was using adult. Moved to PAID T.
    • 4 visit transition towards end of adolescence
    • In queue to be added to EPIC
  • Next steps: survey will be distributed on DDS practices to workgroup members (related to the JDRF grant that was submitted last week.)
  • Next meeting: Friday Mar 22, 2024 12-1 pm (EST)

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