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CGM Policy for Inpatient


Does anyone have a pump and CGM policy they use for hospitalized patients with diabetes? Could they share their policy and EPIC orders?

Name: Jessica Schmitt, MD, MSHQS
Clinic: University of Alabama
Adult or Pediatric Population: Both
Date: 2/20/2024

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi, Jessica –

    We are a children’s hospital attached to a larger adult facility. I’m happy to share our insulin pump/cgm policy (up for revision now) and an order set that contains our CGM orders (we have this in multiple order sets and have requested it as a stand alone panel, but it’s not done yet). We are in the process of adding CGM validation, and that is not yet reflected in our orders. I found your email address and will send these documents. Let me know if you don’t receive:

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