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January 31, 2024

Weill Cornell QI Check-In   1/31/2024 1:00 PM eastern 

Participants: Emily Coppedge, Isabel Reckson, Dr. Zoltan Antal, Dr. Alyson Weiner, Elizabeth Gunckle, Ann Mungmode 

 Agenda  Notes  Next steps 
Jan 2024 Dashboard review 
  • Team noticed that one of their POC machines was reported elevated A1c (by 1.5%) 
  • Working to resolve 
  • Dec data only includes labs 
  • Other implications for A1c data: 
  • New initiative to see high-risk patients more regularly (every six weeks) so they will be counted more frequently 
  • New transfers to Cornell care (who are established patients with T1D but haven’t been seen by Cornell yet) 
  • Team noticed that Jan mean HbA1c was 8.8 
  • So far, T1DX dashboards are seeing anything outside of normal variation for A1c, but we will keep an eye on this and keep this in mind 
  • TIR still looks good; can rely less on A1c 
  • Time Below Range – suggestion to make this the inverse (to support identification of patients who are experiencing hypoglycemia) 
  • Behavioral health 
  • Finding that team is making BH referrals but patients are not making it to the BH appointment 
  • As the T1DX-QI evolves, how can we best capture this as a meaningful measure for comprehensive, whole-patient care? I.e., what does an increase in depression screenings mean for our patients? 
  • Track PHQ-9 scores over time to see changes in scores? (average change in PHQ-9 score by patients) 
  • Current BH referral Smartsheet measure does not capture the breadth of BH referring occurring at the clinic level; it is specific to patients that were due for depression screening 
  • Team can compare their T1DX-QI Dashboard to other centers data by using the QI Portal Compare tab! 
  • Ann to check with Anton about what is needed to transfer OMOP files 
QI Projects and QI Portal Improve tab 
  • Team has done a great job uploading PDSAs to the QI Portal 
  • Two new projects added: 
  • SDOH Screening 
  • Team has developed an initial process map; can add pain bursts as they are identified 
  • First PDSA is simple with an N of 1 😊 
  • Will screening patients with PHQ-9, SDOH, eating disorder, and diabetes distress as a part of their annual visit 
  • Transitions of care 
  • Team to reconsider SMART aim  
  • Recommendation to review baseline data, including data on specific to the aim but also the distribution of patient ages (i.e., 16-18, 18-21, 21+ for example) 
  • Team has an idea to identify age-appropriate milestones to prepare for transition, which will eventually be incorporated into Epic 
  • Team can finalize and close out two projects: 
  • Mental Health Screening (depression screening project has been completed; team has moved on to screening in annual visit) 
  • HCLS (can update with presentation and data, and close out – great work team!) 
  • Family Focus Group is not a QI project so much as a new implementation; suggestion to remove from QI Portal  
  • That way can focus on the key projects for this year 
  • Cornell team to update QI projects, including closing out finished projects and further incorporating data into QI project documentation 
Next Check-In 
  • Next combined Collaborative call 4/18 at 11am ET 
  • Next QI check-in 5/1 at 1pm ET 



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