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December 4, 2023

T2D Monthly Check In




  • On boarded fellow to work on project as well
  • Poster deployed in 1 pod on 11/30/23
  • Next Step to discuss with care team to see how uptake has been after poster has been displayed


  • Poster hung in exam room
    • Working on Spanish and Haitian Creole versions of the video
  • Currently awaiting data on views of the videos to see uptake (12 min video)
    • Current thoughts to break up to mini videos
    • Talked about post video knowledge check to see feedback
  • Data has been delivered from BMC QI hub, waiting to sort through


  • Screener in waiting room
    • Translating to Spanish (live in Jan)
    • Become standard of care in clinic
  • Created flowsheet to capture data
  • CGM education in conjunction with T1D group
    • Basic level content
    • More advanced interpretation content


Link to Recording:


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