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October 27, 2023

Oct 27, 2023 | Diabetes Distress Group Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Casey Berman, Don Buckingham, Haley Centola, Michelle Coulter, Alissa Dye, Tamara Hannon, Manu Kamboj, Emma Ospelt, Nicole Rioles, Alissa Roberts, Caleb Schmid, Mary Lauren Scott, Devin Steenkamp, Ryan Tweet, Heather Yardley



  • UAB (Michelle and Mary Lauren: Tracking distress low (more than 2 counts as distress.) Considering a 5th field to show elevated distress. Total raw score. Peds- doing 12 y/o and up. They are screening/prioritizing people who have had 3x DKA per year and people who have multiple A1c above 14%.Using PAID T. Will screen Nov-Dec.
  • Nationwide (Manu and Heather). NCH has hired a new psychologist! They currently screen for DDS 1x/week. Will be increasing to 2x/week. Screening all 12-18 y/o. Beginning screening cycle second week in November.
  • Indiana (Tami) October start. They have a p/t and f/t social worker helping with this. Using the PAID T. In two weeks, they did 6 screenings. Complexity of learning more about child/family needs that extend beyond distress. Currently entering data into Excel spreadsheet manually, which is laborious.
  • Caleb Schmid and Ryan Tweet OHSU- Staffing challenges, timing issue, trying to work into workflow.
    • Ryan is psychologist at OHSU and very kindly agreed to be available if other clinics would like to consult with him about their DDS projects.
  • Devin Steenkamp- Boston Medical Center still facing staffing/resource challenges. Screening small number, manually with research assistant.
  • Seattle Alissa Roberts- clinic has been screening DDS for six months and is now entering screening data into Smartsheet.
  • Chairs: Devin and Alissa shared slides that will be presented at the work group report out at the learning session, happening on Wednesday afternoon.
  • T1DX (Nicole) There are Diabetes Distress measures in the Smartsheet measures. We ask clinics to report any/all Diabetes Distress tracking in Smartsheet in the coming months. Data Science Committee is setting a goal to add Diabetes Distress elements into the Data Spec so that mapped clinics that have been documenting diabetes distress will be able to report data.


Action items

  • Next meeting: Friday December 15th 12-1 (EST). Attendees month will be invited to present (5 minutes each) on their most recent DDS PDSA cycle.
  • We will use lunch hour at learning session to discuss Diabetes Distress in person and there will be a 15 min report out for the work group during 11/15 learning session.
  • Clinics should track diabetes distress and report patients screened (numerator) in Smartsheet. We will add a distress denominator so that only eligible PWD are included.
  • Peds are focusing on the 12-18 y/o cohort.

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