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October 26, 2023

Weill Cornell QI Check-In   10/26/2023 1:00 PM eastern 

Participants: Emily Coppedge, Isabel Reckson, Dr. Zoltan Antal, Dr. Alyson Weiner, Elizabeth Gunckle, Ann Mungmode 

 Agenda  Notes  Next steps 
OMOP Data Mapping 
  • IT Team is working on developing automated data sharing 
QI Projects and QI Portal Improve tab  Transition Planning 

  • Team is not actively working on this project right now 
  • Will plan next PDSA cycle after team completes some planning 
  • Identify who and where to transition patients to 

Mental Health Screenings 

  • Additional resources for patients 
  • SW team provided a tip sheet to share with patients (how to handle anxiety) 
  • Completing screenings and providing resources has become standard practice 
  • Cornell team has a great example of successfully advocating for additional psychosocial support! 


  • Team has worked to develop patient resources to compare different pumps 

Family Focus Group 

  • Team held first meeting with family focus group (five families attended) 
  • Received feedback about their experiences in inpatient and outpatient services 
  • Reviewing feedback 
  • One feedback team has already acted on is adding an insert with names and pictures of ‘who’s who’ in Cornell practice team 
  • An insert makes it easy to update and change with fellowship changes, etc. 
Learning Session and Center Visit 
  • No questions, team is looking forward to the Learning Session! 
  • Team wonders about opportunities to hear about funding opportunities through T1DX-QI communication channels 
Next Check-In 
  • November 14 and 15 Learning Session – NYC 
  • Next QI check-in TBS for January 
  • Next Pediatric Collaborative call 1/25 at 11 am 
  • Ann to connect with team offline to schedule next call 



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