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October 25, 2023

JDRF project update October 2023

DSC Oct Meeting Slides

Data Science Committee

Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Marina Basina, Joyce Lee, Emma Ospelt, Holly Hardison, Anton Wirsch, Maggie Gillis, Todd Alonso, Ann Mungmode, James Dawson, Naomi Fogel, David Lam, Nana-Hawa Yayah Jones, Saketh Rompicherla, Risa Wolf, Mark Clements


  • Welcome and introductions- Dr. Lee & Dr. Basina
  • Mapped sites and scorecard update- Anton, Maggie, T1D Exchange
  • Review data spec change request process map- Emma, T1D Exchange
  • Diagnosis stages 1&2 discussion- Dr. Alonso, BDC Peds
  • Pregnancy and type 2, pre-conception A1c- Dr. Basina


Mapping Updates:

  • 32 sites fully mapped (from 31 sites in Q3)
  • 4 in validation phase
  • Data completeness scorecards
    • Mid-year scorecards have been distributed

Data Completeness Scorecards

  • Variables with yellow for meets mapping expectation need improvement.
  • Cgm_st_dt only 54% of sites are providing. Only 49% data availability for collaborative average.
  • Pump_st_dt only 54% of sites are providing. Only 39% data availability for collaborative average.
    • Clarity on start date if patient were to restart
  • DKA variables have low data availability (7-15%)for collaborative average.
  • SDOH only has 15% of sites providing.

Data Specification Process Map:

  • Add request gets feedback to end of request, so members can receive feedback
  • Propose adding denied requests to future updates, as they may be more appropriate then
  • Providing structured template for the powerpoint requests
  • Committee/Requestor also defines what is a “success” for pilot to proceed


T1D Screening:

  • Universal Screening?
  • New ICD-10 codes?
    • Current definition of “Prediabetes” is based on evolution of T2D
  • Contracting language to update: those at risk for T1D
  • What are sites putting on the problem risk for these patients?
    • Are the adding the IMO codes


DM 2, Pregnancy, Preconception

  • Risks for mothers: miscarriage, preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, maternal birth trauma, and caesarean delivery, preterm delivery (<37 weeks) x 4 times more often than in non-DM,
  • Neonates: LGA (birth trauma), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, neonatal respiratory problems, and metabolic complications (hypoglycaemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypocalcaemia, and polycythaemia)


Link to data specs:





Meeting recording:

Passcode: qG94+^ei


Next Meeting: Wednesday February 28th 10-11am EST




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