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October 19, 2023

T1D Exchange (T1DX) Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL)                   

Meeting Agenda

October 19, 2023, 1-2:30 pm ET, Zoom


Ashley Butler, Carla Demeterco, Osagie Ebekozien, Colette Edwards, Holly Hardison,, Makaila Manukyan, Ann Mungmode, Ori Odugbesan, Janine Sanchez


  Time Item Facilitator
1:00-1:10 pm



·        Welcome

·        Centering


Dr. Osagie Ebekozien

Ann Mungmode

1:10-2:15 pm


HEAL 2023 work and beyond

·        Operationalizing racial equity

·        Trends in HbA1c

·        Next Committee task

·        2024 term


Dr. Osagie Ebekozien

Ann Mungmode


2:15-2:30 pm


Updates and Close-Out

·        Summary of next steps

·        Next meeting 1/18/24, 1 PM ET

T1DX staff


Welcome and Introduction

  • What is one thing you like about the fall?
  • What is on the top of your health equity wish list?

Updates from 2023 and Next Steps

HEAL 2024 Mission

  • What area should we target and what is our goal?
    • Insurance:
      • Lower insurance or less support are not able to upgrade
      • Look at time between upgrade of devises
      • Currently there is lag between public and private insurance, private gets written script first then private
      • Larger discussion on how things are paid for is an issue
      • Survey QI Collaborative on SDOH taskforce
        • Do you, have it?
        • Who collects it?
        • What do you do with the information?
        • Who does something with that information?


  • Carla to lead 2024 SDOH questions on annual clinic survey
  • Ashley to lead 2024 commentary on SDOH coordinator role, contrasting to other roles in clinic
  • Janine to lead 2024 paper on transition periods between devices


Next Meeting: Thursday January 18th 2024, 1-2:30pm EST

Link to Recording:

Passcode: RD=ovhn4


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