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Septmeber 28, 2023

Hybrid Closed Loop Working Group September 28, 2023 



        Carol Levy  

        Emily Coppedge  


Participants shared their process maps on HCL:  

  • Kimberly McNamara Rady Children’s Hospital (Pediatrics) 
  • Janine Sanchez University of Miami (Pediatrics) 
  • Emily Coppedge Weil Cornell (Pediatrics) 
  • Blake Adams Lebonheur (Pediatrics)  
  • Ruth Weinstock NYU Adult  
  • The group talked about implementing a prescreening guideline to pump start or providing patients with a pump start questionnaire.  
  • Possibly providing patients with information about different types during the pre-pump process.  
  • Send out survey to patients prior to pump training/ class.  
  • Have patients attend pump training classes after they have been on the device.  

Next Steps:  

Discuss Aim Statement 

Those who did not present, will have an opportunity to do so at the next meeting.  


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