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August 15, 2023

Weill Cornell QI Check-In   8/15/2023 1:00 PM eastern 

Participants: Emily Coppedge, Isabel Reckson, Dr. Zoltan Antal, Ann Mungmode 

 Agenda  Notes  Next steps 
OMOP Data Mapping 
  • Team has received IRB approval! 
  • Zoltan to forward email confirmation 
  • Ann to follow up with Anton so he can connect with Steven and Evan re: next dataset 
QI Projects and QI Portal Improve tab 
  • Team has begun inputting projects into QI Portal! 
  • Ann recommends for each project to do a fishbone diagram to hone in on the root causes that are specific to Cornell processes 
  • We want to verify the roots so that our PDSA cycles are successful 
  • We can validate if published causes are the case for us 
  • And also validate through patient experience and feedback 
Next Check-In 
  • Next Pediatric QI Collaborative call is 9/21/23 at 11 AM ET 
  • Cornell team is presenting at next call 
  • You will have 20 min to present, and 5-10 minutes for questions 
  • In advance, please share: 
  • Two learning objectives to be shared at the beginning of the presentation 
  • Two multiple choice questions for collaborative audience 
  • Next QI check-in is scheduled for 10/26/23 at 3:00 PM ET  
  • November 14 and 15 Learning Session – NYC 



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