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July 2023 Pediatric Collaborative Call

Jul 11 Peds Collaborative Call 2023 Combined Final (1)

Pediatric  Collaborative Call Meeting Minutes

July 11, 3:30-5:00pm

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Updates from the Collaborative
    • We currently have 55 Participating Clinics, 35 Pediatric & 20 Adult
    • Welcome Children’s Medical Center, University of Texas
      • PI: Abha Choudhary, MD
    • November Learning Session
      • November 14-15, New York City, NY
      • T1DX-QI will cover the hotel costs for 2 team members
      • Abstracts due by 7/31/23; accepted abstracts will be published in Journal of Diabetes
    • Q2 2023 Invoicing
      • Reminder: submit invoices for January-June 2023 deliverables
    • ADCES
      • We would love to see you if you plan on attending the ADCES conference in Houston, TX, August 4-7
      • Please email if you plan on attending
    • T1DX-QI Annual Survey: survey will be released on 7/13/23
      • Each clinic should submit 1 completed survey
      • Abstract and Manuscript opportunities from data collected
      • 25 minutes or less to complete
      • Responses due by 8/23/23


  • Clinical Presentation: Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Grace Nelson, MD
    • Learning Objectives:
    • Discuss baseline data for pump use at LBCH
    • Look at reasons for low pump use
    • Discuss PDSA cycles and outcomes to improve pump use
    • Discuss next steps
  • Increasing equitable pump use
  • Baseline data identified an opportunity to improve equity (6% NHB versus 25% NHW using pump)
  • Previously, clinic culture required a number of steps, training, preparation before prescribing an insulin pump
  • Described pain points in a process map and root causes in a Fishbone diagram
  • Tried several tests of change (for example, loosened pump guidelines, implicit bias training, educate staff on pump technology)
  • For non-White patients with A1c > 9% that were targeted for project, team has documented improvement in A1c by two points after 9 months on insulin pump
  • Using My Diabetes Journey and new Diabetes Technology Form
  • Increasing pump use and closing equity gap (for patients coming into clinic)


  • Clinical Presentation: University of Indiana, Tamara Hannon, MD
    • Learning Objectives:
      • Review national incidence of DKA in youth with established diabetes
      • Review rationale for integrating a structured program to improve outcomes in patients following an episode of DKA.
      • Share what did/did not work for us in creating a structured follow-up program for youth who presented in DKA to try and help reduce risk for repeat DKA.
    • Integrated Diabetes Education and Support (IDEAS) Program to reduce repeat DKA
      • Wanted to address rates of DKA due to the severe possible consequences
      • Organize resources and support for patients with T1D who were admitted for DKA
      • Used a Fishbone diagram to identify root causes and key driver diagram to identify change ideas
      • Tried several tests of change (started the program, learned from and adjusted appointment for flexibility and scheduling, incorporate sick day education as a part of annual diabetes education)
      • Sick day and technology stations available with supply kits and resources for patients
      • Patients had a consultation with LMSW, several had reduced A1c, and only one had a DKA episode after participating in the program


Next meeting: Thursday September 21st 11-12:30pm EST

Link for meeting recording:

Passcode: u5p2+Lfm


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