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June 13, 2023

Weill Cornell QI Check-In   6/13/2023 1:00 PM eastern 

Participants: Emily Coppedge, Isabel Reckson, Dr. Zoltan Antal, Dr. Alyson Weiner, Elizabeth Gunckle, Ann Mungmode, Anton Wirsch, James Dawson 

 Agenda  Notes  Next steps 
OMOP Data Mapping 
  • T1DX team has some questions for Cornell team: 
  • Confirm that our logic for identifying T1D population is accurate 
  • Yes, is accurate 
  • And, NYP site is officially merged; moving forward we would expect 0 encounters at this location 
  • Can Cornell team submit ongoing diabetes files in the future? 
  • In theory, yes* 
  • Perhaps T1DX can share back the original file so that Cornell IT team can replicate the code they used to format the file in a usable way 
  • Can Cornell team provide only monthly updates (rather than the entire historical OMOP or diabetes extraction)? 
  • In theory, yes* 
  • *Cornell team is finalizing IRB approval to exempt this study from requiring patient consent 
  • We will have more information next week 
  • Will need to touch base with IT afterwards; will be able to have more concrete discussion when this is not theoretical 
  • Ann to check with team about IRB again in July 
QI Projects  Decrease health inequities 

  • PDSAs continue with Spanish-speaking patients interfacing with Doris 
  • Team is exploring ways to measure this 
  • Could be some combination of telephone encounters, show rates, and overall patient engagement  
  • Additionally, team is reviewing a list of patients with HbA1c > 9% 
  • This takes provider time if patients no-show 
  • If a patient has HbA1c > 9%, a SW assesses them for ways to support 
  • Not always time for 1:1 engagement 
  • The effort of reviewing cases monthly and identifying supports and a plan patients one by one is time consuming 
  • Team can review patients that have been assessed and review for themes, and identify a PDSA that could support multiple patients with one effort 
  • Team thinks this may include use of HCLS, and receiving support 
  • Team is also working on a Family Focus Group (adjusted from previous PFAC) 
  • Launch team identified (admin and clinical staff) 
  • Thinking they will meet quarterly and provide input for programs, QI projects 
  • Looking for a mix of patient identities (especially a variety of age groups) 
  • Finally, team is hoping to streamline processes 
  • There are gaps in education from inpatient to outpatient; currently there are videos before discharge, but more is needed 
  • Surveyed providers on perceived needs: 
  • Insulin dosing 
  • Highs and lows 
  • T1D care in schools 
  • Carb counting 
  • Family readiness/confidence 
  • Outpatient visits are long (2 hours) 
  • CDCES – diabetes education 1 week after initial visit 

Depression screening 

  • Increased to 80% 
  • Team is still looking into iPad funding 
2023 Learning Session abstract submission 
  • Learning Session abstract deadline has been extended to 7/14 
  • Cornell team has two potential ideas (Ann encouraged team to submit both 😊) 
  • Health inequities 
  • HCLS 
  • Cornell team to submit abstract(s) by 7/14 
Next Check-In 
  • Next Pediatric QI Collaborative call is 7/11/23 at 3:30 PM ET 
  • Next QI check-in is scheduled for 8/15/23 at 1:00 PM ET  
  • Ann to confirm if Cornell team is presenting at September collab. call  



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