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May 22, 2023

Data Governance Committee Meeting 2023.5.22

Data Governance Committee

Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Emma Ospelt, Holly Hardison, Daniel DeSalvo, Carol Levy, Osagie Ebekozien, Grace Nelson, Nicole Rioles, Isabel Reckson, Kathryn Fantasia, Joyce Lee, David Hansen, Emilie Hess, Caleb Schmid, Marina Basina, Ryan McDonough


  1. Welcome
  2. Updates on Sponsored Projects
  3. Antibody Screening and Monitoring project updates
  4. Antibody discussion and considerations


*Dr Joyce Lee Paper: Commentary on workflows, if interested in sharing contact

Link to spreadsheet

Sponsored Project Updates:

  • CGM Analysis with Dexcom (completed)
  • Device Equity Expansion with Medtronic (on track)
  • Smart Pen Equity with Eli Lilly (on track)
  • EMR Analysis with Vertex (on track)
  • Severe Hypo feasibility with Vertex (on track)
  • T2D Diabetes Expansion with Abbott (on track)
  • T2D Diabetes QI with ADA (contract approved, identifying centers)
  • Antibody Screening QI project with JDRF (on track)


Antibody Screening and Monitoring Updates:

  • Develop and test new diabetes centers workflows for T1D autoantibody screening
  • Identify care team perceptions of operational processes
  • 18 month project working with University of Florida and Rady Children’s Hospital
  • Measures
    • Stage of diagnosis
    • New onset patients
    • Autoantibody screening
    • Antibody Labs
    • Follow up visit
    • DKA events
    • HbA1c

Future Considerations for autoantibody Screening:

  • How is data captured? In your EMR?
    • Some sites are screening through Trial Net, so recorded through research
  • How do you captures data for people that are not yet patients?
    • Most common only in research patients
  • What are your current processes for screening and monitoring?
    • Current issues for staff on weekends to administer infusions
    • Sites working with infusion centers, oncology centers for administration
  • What autoantibodies are you capturing?
  • Are there specific considerations for adult clinics?


Link to Recording:

Passcode: =qmRff9G


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