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April 26th 2023


Data Science Committee

Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Nudrat Noor, Holly Hardison, Siham Accacha, Donna Eng, Joyce Lee, Marina Basina, Risa Wolf, Mark Clements, Osagie Ebekozien, Saketh Rompicherla, Emma Ospelt, Ann Mungmode, James Dawson, Anton Wirsch, David Lam, Naomi Fogel, Nana Hawa Yayah-Jones, Anna Neyman, Justin Indyk, Kristina Cossen, Andrew Lavik


  • Mapped sites updates
  • Discussion on improving data completeness and quality for existing data specification variables
  • EHR Manuscript discussion- Led by Dr. Joyce Lee


EMR Mapped Site Updates:

  • 28 sites fully mapped
  • 3 in validation phase
  • Data completeness scorecards will be biannually distributed

Data Completeness Scorecards

  • Color coding changes
    • Green no action needed
    • Yellow needs confirmation
    • Grey site not collecting
    • Red collecting but not providing
  • On average, of mapped sites 90% a1c data available

Data Completeness

  • How to improve data collection?
    • Optimize workflow to capture data
    • How do we capture data from the notes
    • Make refreshable smart field in EPIC
    • Sites can focus on data collection as the first QI project, during first year
  • How do you collect/define these data points locally?
  • Should we keep variable or remove?
  • Actionable steps for newer sites would include spending some time working on optimizing data for a few key variables, so we can work towards data checks and accuracy conversations

CGM Use (binary yes or no, company/model, and start date)

  • All sites providing at least one variable
  • Adult side hard to collect CGM initiations usually started in peds (only new onset T1D would be able to collect)
  • Static start data at least documented in pediatric space



Telemedicine Paper

  • Describe the EHR tools used in the T1DX-QI
  • Capture EHR workflows for documenting core data elements
  • Describe variability in how sites ask respondents
  • June submission

Please share create your site folder and uplaod screenshots of (flowsheets, dot phrases etc.) using this link

Link to excel process


Link to data specs:





Next Meeting: Wednesday July 26th 10-11am EST

Link to Recording:

Passcode: o^.@*z=8


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