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April 20, 2023

T1D Exchange (T1DX) Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL) 

Meeting Agenda 

April 20, 2023, 1-2:30 pm EST, Zoom 


Ashley Butler, Carla Demeterco, Faisal Malik, Janine Sanchez, Ann Mungmode, Rashida Talib, Ori Odugbesan, Shideh Majidi, Colette Edwards, Nicole Rioles, Makaila Manukyan, Trevon Wright, Margarita Ochoa-Maya 


Time  Item   Facilitator  
1:00-1:10 pm 



 • Welcome  

• Centering 

Ann Mungmode 

Nicole Rioles 

1:10-1:30 pm 


Best Practices in Health Equity example sharing  Makaila Manukyan 
1:30-2:15 pm 


T1DX-QI HEAL 2023 Work 

  • Updated KDD 
  • ADEPT Business Plan review  
  • HEAL advisors’ term 
T1DX Staff 
2:15-2:30 pm 


Updates and Close Out 

  • Operationalizing Racial Equity manuscript update 
  • ADA 2023 T1DX-QI breakfast invitation 
  • Summary of next steps 

Next meeting 7/20, 1 PM EST 

T1DX Staff 



Welcome and Introduction 

Ann shared the agenda with the team.  

  • What is one thing you’ve noticed with the changing season that is bringing you joy? 

Best Practices in Health Equity (Building a Culture of Racial Equity at BU Medical Group) 

  • Commitment to Operationalizing the racial equity (core) tool 
  • AIM to build an organizational culture that supports and values diverse identities. Fosters a healthy and supportive community everyone can thrive.  
  • Focused on racial equity for decision-making, policies, and practices for academic medicine.  
  • Focused on creating a tool that addresses racial inequities in departments within the institution. 
  • CORE is intended to identify opportunities for growth and commitment to action.  
  • Racial Equity Assessment: addresses racial inequities in department 
  • Created a racial equity champions group. The group helped promote community building and integrated ways to promote racial equity. Groups meet monthly.  
  • 20 out of 28 departments agreed to participate.  
  • Strategy 2 focused on the utilization of the CORE tool.   
  • Strategy 3 focused on the effectiveness of the CORE tool.  
  • Key strategies for cultural change: foundational resources, Network of racial equity leaders, department and leadership engagement, conduct pilots, and measure and communicate throughout the project.  
  • Are there other thoughts that are being asked about the next phase in the project?   


  • AIM: To reduce health inequities  
  • Nicole provided a high-level overview of KDD. 
  • Key Intervention: Address provider bias, real word data insights, benchmark performance with the QI portal, partner with centers and patients serving diverse patients, embed quality improvement science, engage a cross-section of stakeholders with the HEAL Advisors, partner with stakeholders to support health equity advocacy. 

ADEPT 2024 Conference Business Plan Review  

  • Stand-alone event dedicated to diabetes health equity 
  • Focuses on practical solutions, tools, and best practices that can promote health equity 
  • Over 300 leaders, providers, and staff involved.  
  • Prioritizing the newest technology and innovations for equity. 
  • Learning Objectives:  
  • Share practical solutions. 
  • Demonstrate new product innovations.  
  • Build a collaborative network to advance health equity.  
  • Why your Sponsorship?  
  • Brand exposure and direct exposure to diabetes leaders and providers.  
  • What are things that you like about the plan?  
  • How can the conference add value to the community?  
  • -Are there any key components that are missing?  

HEAL response/recommendations :  

  • This is very needed; glad to see a proposal of this nature as a stand alone and focused on all types of diabetes (not just T1D) 
  • Including a topic that focuses on social determinants of health.  
  • Having psychologists and social workers present at the conference.  
  • Also community centers/family practices who may work with specific populations (i.e., Native American population), not just endo providers 
  • Period of time before the conference, where participants can be involved in workshop sessions that focus on some of the barriers and pain points that we face in addressing the barriers in racial inequities. Led by those who have experience or success in addressing racial inequities.  
  • Consider a session for industry – what can they do to lead health inequities ? Target health equity/inclusion directors 
  • Create a questionnaire to survey patients ahead of the conference – incorporate their perspective 
  • Maybe add the ADEPT conference to the same period as other sessions or conferences so as not to add travel burden (ADA, Learning Session) 
  • Consideration for a discount for T1DX-QI members 
  • $200-$300 registration fee seems fair 
  • This is the first pilot, suggestion to start small this year and incorporate lessons into business plan for future meetings  
  • Carla, Janine, and Margarita would be interested in supporting conference abstracts and CME review 

HEAL Advisory Terms  

  • Oct 2021- Oct 2023 
  • Oct 2023- Oct 2025 
  • Current members can continue for a second term.  
  • The application will be available in late summer.  
  • Who would you like to see be a part of the HEAL committee?  
  • Aim to increase patient/parent involvement.  
  • Adding digital representation to the team.  
  • It will be important to have an orientation, especially with a mix of members – rules of engagement, how we work together 

Updates and Close Out  

– LGBTQ and Health Equity manuscripts. 

– Share your ideas for 2023 with us! Email  

Next Meeting Thursday, July 20th, 2023, 1-2:30 pm EST 

Meeting Recording:  

Passcode: N/A 


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