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January 2023 Pediatric Collaborative Call

Jan Peds Collaborative Call 2023

Pediatric Collaborative Call Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2023, 11am-12:30pm

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Updates from the Collaborative
    • We currently have 54 Participating Clinics, 34 Pediatric & 20 Adult
    • Welcome Johns Hopkins and UC Davis
      • PI: Risa Wolf, MD
      • Co-PIs: Stephanie Crossen, MD, MPH and Caroline Schulmeister, MD
    • Invoicing for Q4 2022 deliverables
      • Invoices for work performed in 2022 are due before the end of the month, 1/31/23. Please invoice us so that we can close our 2022 books. Invoices received after 2/29/2023 will not be accepted for 2022 deliverables.
    • November Learning Session reimbursement
      • Receipts/reimbursements are due by 1/30/23. Payments will not be made after that date.
      • 2023-2025 Reporting
        • Reminder: reporting for the 2023-2025 period, which began 1/1/2023.
        • Expectations: centers should report monthly data for the Jan 1-31, 2023 period by 3/1/2023.
        • Find new Reporting Measures
        • Links to the new Smartsheet charts will be shared by your QI coach. Questions can also be directed to
      • T2D Program
        • 2023-2024 Expansion: 3 additional sites (Boston Medical Center, Grady Memorial, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)
        • 2023-2024 Demonstration: Co-authorship opportunities, Contribute to T2D data in Smartsheet
        • If you are interested in sharing T2D data, please email
        • We will be sharing inclusion/exclusion criteria for the T2D population and definitions for measures in February.



  • Clinical Presentation: Children’s National, Shideh Majidi, MD, MSCS
    • Learning Objectives:
      • To understand the relationship between food insecurity and diabetes
      • To understand the relationships and steps involved to set up a Food Pharmacy within a diabetes clinic
      • Identify a team, secure a space, partner with a supplies
      • If patient screens for food insecurity they are provided with supplemental food usually lasting 3 days


  • Clinical Presentation: NYU Langone Long Island, Siham Achacha, MD.
    • Learning Objectives:
      • Improving Depression Screening in patients with T1D
      • Added column into providers schedule to ensure scores were being recorded
      • Making EMR changes to facilitate better recognition for annual screening
      • Depression what notes in the chart as co-morbidity



Next meeting: Thursday March 16th 11-12:30pm EST

Note: there will be special guest presenting on the topic of Diabetes-Related Eye Care. Please feel free to invite your colleagues who are interested in this subject area to the 3/16 meeting.

Link for meeting recording:

Passcode: CxU+.u1A


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