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November Learning Session FAQ

Q- How many team members am I allowed to bring?

A – T1DX will cover the costs for 2 team members and will reserve the hotel rooms for any additional members. Any additional members will need to be covered by your institution.

Q- What time does the learning session begin?

A- The learning session will begin at 8am on Monday 11/7/2022 and end around 5:30pm after clinic tours. Following the tours we will have a group dinner. Day two will begin at 8am and end around 3pm to allow travel back home on 11/8/2022.

Q- When should I fly in and fly out?

A- We recommend flying in on the evening of Sunday 11/6/2022 and flying out after 3pm on 11/8/2022.

Q- How will I be reimbursed?

A- Fill out this form  Non-employee-travel-reimbursement_July-20_2022 (1) . T1DX will cover economy flights only non business or first class.

Q- Will there be food accommodations?

A- T1DX will be sending out a survey to ask about food allergies and accommodations before the learning session.

Q- When will the agenda be posted?

A- The agenda will be available after 10/1/2022.

Q- How many team members can attend virtually?

A- There is no limit to virtual attendees. Please email  to rsvp if you have not.

Q- What hotel will we be staying at?

A- We will be staying at the Hyatt Regency Miami, which is about 15 minutes from Miami International Airport. (400 S, SE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33131)


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