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July 2022 Adult Collaborative Call

July Adult Collaborative Call 2022

Adult Collaborative Call Meeting Minutes

July 26, 2022, 3:30-5:00pm

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Updates from the Collaborative
    • We currently have 18 Adult clinics participating. Welcome to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
      • Adult Clinic PI: Jason Ng, MD
    • Welcome Jesse Cases-Villablanca, MS, MPA, New Data Integration Manager
    • New Measures for the Collaborative
      • New measures will be circulated in early August for a 30-days review period
      • New Measures go live Jan 1, 2023
    • T1DC-QI Annual Survey
      • Survey will be live 8/15-9/15
      • 1 submission per site
      • PDF will be shared so sites can review before answering
    • Michigan School of Nursing Survey
    • November Learning Session RSVP
      • Deadline to RSVP 7/29/2022
      • Activity timeline
        • Start: 8am 11/7/2022 (encouraged to fly in 11/6/2022)
        • End 3pm on 11/8/2022
      • Reimbursement form
    • T1DX-QI Website


Clinical Presentation Stanford, Marina Basina

  • Learning Objectives:
    • Pump malfunction is a leading cause of DKA among insulin pump
    • Goal is to create integrated patient handout based on clinic protocol to facilitate self-management and education.
    • Evaluating the efficacy and safety of long acting GLP-1 receptor agonist in T1DM patients


  • Clinical Presentation Grady, Alisha Virani
    • Learning Objectives:
      • Understand the barriers and key factors in CGM use in patients
      • Promoting continued GCM utilization with patients by offering classes and streamlining
  • Publication Updates
    • Publication policy and update process map
  • QI portal Updates
    • Expanded health equity features
    • New notification Bell
      • Notifications for Clinic Data, Library Article, QI portal features
    • Seize the data contest (9/1/2022 – 9/30/2022)
      • Weekly awards will be given for:
        • Highest # of logins
        • Each login = one chance to win
        • Bonus chances to win if access all four QI Portal tabs

Meeting recording ex8RjcTPlw9U4Hs-jnS.U_4gi7Urj8WkyXVY?startTime=1658863848000

Passcode: 21H.ZAg$


Next meeting: Tuesday September 20th, 3:30pm-5pm EST


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