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April 21, 2022

T1D Exchange (T1DX) Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL)                    

Meeting Agenda 

April 21, 2022, 1-2:30 pm EST, Zoom 


Ananta Addala, Ashley Butler, Carla Demeterco, Osagie Ebekozien, Colette Edwards, Holly Hardison, Faisal Malik, Makaila Manukyan, Ann Mungmode, Ori Odugbesan, Nicole Rioles, Janine Sanchez 


  Time  Item  Facilitator 
1:00-1:10 pm 



  • Welcome 
  • Centering  

Dr. Osagie Ebekozien 

Ann Mungmode 

1:10-1:50 pm 


T1DX HEAL manuscript 

  • Manuscript ideas 
  • Structural Racism in T1D care 
  • T1DX-QI centers survey  
Dr. Ananta Addala  


1:50-2:20 pm 


T1DX Programmatic Updates 

  • Expanded Health Equity pilot 
  • New publications – Diabetes Spectrum; Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 
T1DX staff 
2:20-2:30 pm 


Updates and Close Out 

  • Summary of next steps 
  • Next meeting 7/21, 1 PM EST 
T1DX staff 

Welcome and Introduction 

  • What made you smile this week? 


  • Greater salary and private insurance had a lower A1c 
  • Largest jump in A1c from 2016-2018 in the lowest SES group  

Levels of Racism  

  1. Internal (within individuals) 
  • Issue: Technology only for certain individuals 
  • Deliverable: See rates of technology for excluded groups  
  1. Interpersonal (between individuals) 
  • Issue: Provider bias in prescription 
  • Deliverable: See prescription rates for excluded groups 
  1. Institutional (organizational) 
  • Issue: Language capacity for care team 
  • Deliverable: Languages available in care, transition 
  1. Systemic (society maintained) 
  • Issue: Insurance barriers 
  • Deliverable: protocols to increase technology uptake 

Brainstorming session: 

  • Please use this link to share ideas on Easy retro on these 4 levels.  
  • Link will be kept open until 5/6/2022 

Additional Thoughts: 

  • Experiencing transient improvement due to funding or telemedicine 
  • COVID and health inequities 
  • The impact of the trauma of racism 
  • Are any national efforts to address T1D inequities like there are for maternal health? 
  • Should COVID be included in this manuscript (what has happened and what will happen) 

Equity work within T1DX-QI: 

Next meeting: Thursday July 21 2022 1-2:30pm EST 

Link to meeting recording: 


Passcode: 8zPbg4m& 


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