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February 8th, 2022

Meeting Minutes: QI Collaborative Publications Committee Meeting, February 8th, 2022

CoChairs: Dr. Priya Prahalad and Dr. Ruth Weinstock

Agenda :

  • Introductions (Ruth and Priya)
  • Publications updates (Priya)
  • Upcoming Conferences
    • ATTD 2022 Abstract Acceptances
    • ADA 2022 Abstract Submission
    • 2022 Clinical Diabetes Special Issue
    • ISPAD and November Learning Session Submission Dates
  • Committee Chair Nominations
  • Discussion of Publication Process

Key Points:

Manuscript Phases: October Scorecard

  • Phase 1: New idea with first and senior authors identified (11 manuscripts)
  • Phase 2: Manuscript shared for internal author group review (11 manuscripts)
  • Phase 3: Publication committee review 3 manuscripts pending)
  • Phase 4: Manuscript submitted for journal review/ revision requested (6 manuscripts)
  • Phase 5: Manuscript Accepted/Published (1 manuscript)



ISPAD 2022

  • Feb 28th 2022 ideas for abstracts need to be submitted
  • July 2022 abstracts need to be sent

November 2022 Learning Session

  • Friday July 29th abstracts need to be sent

2023 ADA and ATTD Oral Presentations: Due Sept 2022

Abstract and Manuscript Requests

  • For abstract ideas and other publication requests please use the form found in this link

Clinical Diabetes 2022 Special Issue Ideas  

  • Baseline QI Capacity Assessment for 34 Centers (Marks)
  • QI Portal and Data Mapping Process (Mungmode)
  • Pediatrics Glycemic Outcomes (Demeterco)
  • Adult Glycemic Control (Akturk)
  • Insurance and COVID19 Outcomes (Albanese- O’Neill)
  • HbA1c and Equity trends 2016-2021 (Noor)
  • Benchmarking CGM and Pump Use for Peds and Adults (Prahalad and Sullivan)
  • Commentary on Clinical Diabetes Publications (Weinstock, Prahalad, Rioles)

Committee Co-Chair Nominations:

Please use this link to nominate yourself or share with a colleague.


  • Publications trello board: document with list of updated publications list, meeting minutes and presentations, manuscript/abstract idea request form, 2021 QI Collaborative Conference Presentations list


  • Add timelines to process map so members have clear idea of when steps should be complete
  • Share with group a list of Individual interests to form smaller reviewer groups
  • Form primary reviewer groups based on interest and level of experience

Clinical Interest:

  • Please fill out this form if you have not already to help facilitate groups with similar clinical interest

Next Meeting: Tuesday April 12th, 2022

Link to meeting recording: (Passcode: nYdN4@ZA)



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