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Pediatric Type 1 diabetes technology use: Black parent’s perspective

Background/Objective: Previous studies have shown that Black children with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) tend to have less use of diabetes technology compared with white children. Our white patients have approximately 70% pumps/80% CGM usage but Black patients 20% pumps/60% CGM usage. Our objective was to obtain a better understanding of the barriers that keep Black patients from using advanced technology.

Methods: We completed semi-structured interviews and 1 focus group with a sample group of Black parents of T1D patients. All interviews were conducted by a pediatric endocrinology fellow. Four main topic areas were: sensor usage, pump vs smart pen vs MDI, training via video conference vs in-person, and overall suggestions to improve care.

Results: We gathered data from 7 Black parents of T1D patients. 85% were interviewed via video conferencing and one via phone. Patients reported using 66% sensor regularly, 57% insulin pump and 32% smart pen. Key barriers to technology use included: feeling different from peers, needing a relatable diabetes community, intimidation of devices, prior providers not prescribing technology, embarrassment, and not understanding technology.

Click here to read the full abstract 


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