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Implication of device disengagement on glycemic control and diabetic ketoacidosis in youth with T1D

Background/Objective: The use of continuous glucose monitors (CGM), insulin pumps (PUMP), and hybrid closed loop systems has been associated with improved outcomes in pediatric type 1 diabetes (T1D) care. We sought to characterize near-term outcomes occurring after disengagement from diabetes devices.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study on youth, ages 0-21 years, in our diabetes clinics from 1 January 2018 through 12 January 2020. Using an IRB-approved data repository, we identified patients on a CGM or PUMP in two sequential clinical encounters (E1 and E2). For each engagement category we estimated the percent of patients with DKA events and increase in glycated hemoglobin (A1c) of >0.3% between visits in the 180 days following E2.

Results: We identified a total of 519 patients that disengaged from pump or CGM. Compared to patients who remains engaged with diabetes devices, we observed a higher DKA rate (5.3% vs 3.4%, P = .01).

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