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2021 Publications Improving access to continuous glucose monitors for high-risk patients

Background/Objective: Increased frequency of self-monitoring of glucose is associated with improved glycemic control. Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) assess glucose passively with less patient effort. In 2019, rates of CGM prescriptions in Alabama were low for all patients (22%), but particularly low in high-risk patients, defined as patients with two consecutive HgbA1c values above 9%. Rates of CGM access in this high-risk cohort were 13% in 2019. From fall 2020 to summer 2021, we aimed to increase rates of CGM prescriptions to 50% for high-risk patients with type 1 diabetes.

Methods: We defined the existing process, and with feedback from patients, caregivers, and staff, targeted interventions to increase awareness of CGM insurance coverage and provider-specific prescribing habits, reduce disparities in CGM coverage for publicly insured patients, and provide access to CGM devices during clinic visits. Data was extracted from queries of the electronic health record on a weekly basis. Data included that in the Diabetes Registry, an IRB approved registry.

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