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Increased DKA at presentation among newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients with or without COVID-19: Data from a multi-site surveillance registry


The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1Dx-QI) is a national cohort of 27 endocrinology sites. The T1Dx-QI initiated the T1D COVID-19 multi-site surveillance registry and invited other sites from the previously described T1D Exchange Clinic Registry (81 sites) to contribute data on T1D patients that tested positive for COVID-19 or patients not tested with suspected COVID-19.

Diabetes care providers completed a retrospective chart review of patients in contact with their clinical team during the study period (April 2020-August 2020). Details on the T1D COVID-19 registry have been earlier described.3

This project was reviewed and approved by the Western Institutional Review Board; local participating centers obtained necessary institutional review board approvals.

This report describes demographic and DKA status (Yes or No) at presentation for newly diagnosed T1D with or without simultaneous COVID-19. The sites reported the data for the period (April 2020 by August 2020).

A total of 17 sites contributed data for newly diagnosed patients with T1D and positive COVID-19 through the registry. The comparison data of newly diagnosed patients with negative COVID-19 were collected from an ad hoc registry for this manuscript from three sites, which also contributed to the newly diagnosed T1D and positive COVID-19 data


We report the T1D COVID-19 registry data of 24 patients newly diagnosed with T1D with confirmed COVID-19 (positive test). A total of 124 patients (comparison cohort) with newly diagnosed T1D and negative COVID-19 testing were also reported, and the two groups were compared.

The demographics and clinical characteristics are described in Table 1. A total of 97% of our total population were <19 years of age. A total of 71% of the patients with newly diagnosed T1D with positive COVID-19 testing were Hispanic and non-Hispanic Blacks, while 60% of the patients with newly diagnosed T1D and negative COVID-19 testing were White. A total of 75% of the patients with newly diagnosed T1D and positive COVID-19 testing had public insurance coverage, while 57% of the COVID-19 negative group had private insurance. At presentation, more than 60% of patients in both cohorts had DKA.


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