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October 14, 2020

Meeting Minutes: QI Collaborative Publications Committee Meeting, Oct 14, 2020

Attendees: Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill, Carla Demeterco, Shideh Majidi, Sarit Polsky, Alissa Roberts. Chairs: Priya Prahalad and Ruth Weinstock

T1D Exchange: Osagie, Emily, and Nicole

Key points:

  • Group met Emma Ospelt, the new QI Coordinator at T1D Exchange. Emma will work closely with Priya and the Publications Committee to coordinate deadlines and submit abstracts and publications content
  • Group reviewed the Proposed Manuscript form and offered feedback
  • Additional decisions made:
    • Committee will work to distribute authorship opportunities evenly
    • Committee will offer writing opportunities for junior faculty
    • Committee will cite and credit the “Collaboratives” on papers
    • Committee will generally limit papers to a maximum of 10 authors to keep the working groups functional
  • Committee needs approximately 10 weeks to meet deadlines to factor in required weeks of data/abstract proposal reviews, data requests, writing, and reviews
  • Committee will look at 2021 timelines, reminding Collaborative members of opportunities and the sequencing of all relevant conference deadlines (ATTD, ENDO, Diabetes Technology, IHI, ADCES, NAHQ, ADA, ISPAD, etc)
  • Clinical Diabetes Supplement issue: Priya, Ruth, and Emma will work together. Priya and Ruth will complete a final edit for the stage 1, 2, and 3 manuscript drafts that will be included in the special supplement. Plan is to finalize material for a December submission. Emma will be responsible for submitting content to journal.
  • Committee will share finalized form to Collaborative next week, reminding the group of ADA deadlines and requesting members to share ADA abstract ideas with the Committee on or before Wednesday Nov 4th.

The next Publications Committee meeting will be Wednesday December 2nd, 3-4pm


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